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In the movie "Up," Mr. Carl Fredricksen's house was lifted by 20,622 balloons.

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Q: How many balloons were used to lift Mr Carl Fredricksen's house?
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How do air balloons lift off from the ground?

Balloons filled with Helium rise because Helium is less dense than normal air. Hot air balloons lift off the ground because heat rises, and when the balloon is full of air of a higher temperature than its surroundings, the balloon will rise.

Why do balloons float up to the sky?

Balloons float in the sky because they are filled with a gas, usually helium, that is lighter than the surrounding air. This displacement of air creates lift, causing the balloon to rise.

Why cant hot-air balloons go to higher layers?

Hot air balloons rely on the temperature difference between the air inside and outside the balloon to generate lift. As you ascend, the temperature of the air outside the balloon decreases, reducing the lift. At higher altitudes, the balloon would need a larger temperature difference to stay afloat, which is difficult to achieve with a burner.

What layer of the atmosphere does hot air balloons fly?

Hot air balloons typically fly in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere. This layer extends from the Earth's surface up to an average altitude of about 8-15 kilometers. The temperature decreases with altitude in the troposphere, which helps to create the temperature difference necessary for hot air balloons to generate lift.

Just say you had a bunch of party balloons filled with helium tied to a person how many balloons would it take for a 150lb person to jump like they were on the moon?

A 150lb person on the moon would weigh about 25 lbs due to lower gravity. Helium balloons can lift about 0.064 lbs each, so it would take around 400 balloons to create the effect of moon-like gravity for the person.

Related questions

How many balloons would it take to lift up the average house?

It would take thousands of balloons to lift up the average house, as houses are heavy and balloons can only lift a small amount of weight. The exact number of balloons required would depend on the size and weight of the house, but it would be an impractical and unsafe way to try to lift a house.

Is it possible to lift a house with balloons?

In theory, it is possible to lift a house with balloons, as demonstrated in the movie "Up." However, in reality, the number of balloons and the logistics involved would be extremely impractical and would likely require a very large number of balloons, making it financially and logistically unfeasible. Additionally, the structural integrity of the house would need to be considered.

Is it possible to lift a house?

Hydraulic jacks are often used to lift houses, and even large structures. Sometimes these large structures are placed on over-sized flatbed trailers for the purpose of relocation. or you can use a large amount of balloons and tie it to a house. The bigger the house the balloons you need.

How many helium balloons would you need to fly in the house?

The number of helium balloons needed to lift a person will depend on the person's weight. On average, it takes about 3-5 large helium balloons to lift 1 pound. For example, to lift a 150-pound person, you would need roughly 450-750 balloons. It is important to consider factors like air currents and ceiling height when attempting to lift objects with helium balloons indoors.

How many balloons does it takes to lift 1 pound?

it took 53 12" helium balloons to lift a pound, you have to add the weight of the string and balloons

How many helium balloons does it take to lift the Titanic?

10000000 helium balloons

Does the lift depend on the surface area of the balloons?


Can Balloons Really Lift A Person Off The Ground?

No, balloons cannot lift a person off the ground. The amount of lift produced by balloons is not enough to support the weight of a person. Additionally, the laws of physics would make it impractical for balloons to overcome the force of gravity acting on a person.

How many balloons can lift a child?

The number of balloons needed to lift a child would depend on the weight of the child and the size of the balloons. On average, it may take around 80-100 helium-filled balloons to lift a small child off the ground. It's important to consider safety measures and proper balloon handling if attempting such a stunt.

How do hot air balloons produce lift?

Hot Air

How many helium balloons does it take to lift a kilogram?

To lift about 110 pounds it could take any where from 100 to 150 balloons to lift a person, a lawn chair, food, and many gallons of water. A man by the name of Kent Couch from Oregon demestrated this for us by flying from his home all the way to Idaho. I would'NT try this unless you have a parachute of some kind of device to help you have a better landing. The Balloons could be about the average party balloons (large ones) that are about 11in in diameter. Now remember this is very dangerous and could even be lethal.I hope this helped you.Thanks for looking--Tiana5701

How many helium balloons does it take to lift a 20 pound frozen turkey?

It would take approximately 480 helium balloons to lift a 20-pound frozen turkey. Helium can lift about 0.04 lbs per balloon, so 20 lbs divided by 0.04 lbs per balloon equals 500 balloons.