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Q: How many aliens live on the moon?
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Related questions

Were do aliens live?

most people think on Mars or the moon

Will there be a hotel on the moon?

There will not be a hotel on the moon for humans but there would be for aliens. humans cannot live in space.

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Are aliens behind the moon?

No. We have been behind the moon and peeked. No aliens.

How many aliens on the moon?

There is no evidence to suggest that there are any aliens on the moon. All scientific exploration and research conducted so far have not found any conclusive proof of aliens.

Aliens on the moon?

No. The moon is quite barren.

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Where do aliens go to eat on the moon?

There are no such things as aliens or Martians. If there were, aliens would most likely visit the Lunar McDonald's, Moon Burger, or Out of This World Diner. Most aliens do not have time to stay at a dining establishment and eat, so they go to the Drive-Thru or choose carry out.

Do aliens really live?

aliens do live if u have seen or heard about the signs u will know that aliens do live