It takes 8.8 minutes.
The distance from the Earth to the Sun varies because the Earth's orbit about the Sun is elliptical. At its closest, the distance is 91,402,000 miles and its farthest distance it is 94,512,000 miles. This gives an average distance of 92,957,000 miles. Light travels at 186,282 miles per second. Dividing the average distance by the speed of light gives 499.01225 seconds which is 8.3168708 minutes.
Earth's distance from the Sun varies between about 147 and 152 million kilometers. Given the speed of light as 299,792,458 m/sec and the Sun's radius of 696,000 km, this makes the time taken for the journey (from the Sun's surface to the Earth's) between 8.14 and 8.42 minutes. On an average, it is about 8.28 minutes or 8 minutes and 17 seconds or about 8 minutes and 19 seconds.
It will take 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach Earth. The actual heat of the sun does not reach all the way out to Earth. The warmth on Earth comes from the conversion of light energy to heat energy.
In our Solar System, we see light from our sun reflected off the planets. In more distant galaxies, light from many millions of stars takes a long time to reach the Earth. It takes light 4 years to reach the Earth from Sirius, a near neighbouring star. Using the Hubble telescope, we can see the light from the Eagle Nebula, which takes 7,000 years to reach the Earth.
Light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth.
It takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for light from the center of the sun to reach Earth.
Once the light reaches the surface of the Sun, it takes approximately 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth. This can be calculated by dividing the distance to the Sun by the speed of light: 150,000,000 km / (300,000 km/second).
It takes approximately 8 minutes for the Sun's light to reach Earth.
The light takes about 640 years to reach Earth, as Betelgeuse (a red supergiant star) is about 640 light years from Earth.
About 37 years.
0.28 Seconds
6,300 years
approximately 3 seconds.
light takes about eight minutes
8 minutes
It takes light around 8 minutes and 19 seconds to reach the earth from the sun.
It will take 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach Earth. The actual heat of the sun does not reach all the way out to Earth. The warmth on Earth comes from the conversion of light energy to heat energy.
It will take 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach Earth. The actual heat of the sun does not reach all the way out to Earth. The warmth on Earth comes from the conversion of light energy to heat energy.
~1.28 seconds