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If I am correct approximately one month.

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Q: How long does it take for the moon to do one orbit around earth?
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How long does it take the moon to orbit in earth days?

It takes the Moon about 27.3 Earth days to orbit around the Earth.

How long does the moon's orbit last?

The moon's orbit around the Earth lasts 27.32 days. That's around 4 weeks. Its orbit around the Earth is elliptic.

What is it called when the moon moves around the earth?

This is called its orbit. Strictly, the moon and the earth both orbit their common centre of mass. The path of the moon around Earth is elliptical orbit. It takes about 29 days to complete one orbit of earth by moon.

How long the moon takes to orbit the earth and the earth to orbit the sun?

It takes 27.3 days for the Moon to complete one full orbit around the Earth. how long does it take for the earth to rotate around the sun? It takes exactly 365 and a quarter days for the earth to orbit around the sun once.

How long does the moon to orbit around the earth?

29 days

How long does moon complete its revolution around the earth?

The Moon completes its orbit around the Earth in approximately 27.3 days

Can the moon orbit around the sun?

No, the moon orbits around the Earth, not the sun. This is due to the gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon. The moon's orbit around the Earth is what causes its phases and affects tides on Earth.

How long does it takes the moon to orbit around the sun?

Since the Moon is always orbiting Earth, both Earth and Moon together orbit the Sun in 1 year.

How long does earth take to orbit around the moon?

29 days

What is the movement of the moon around earth called?

The movement of the Moon around the Earth is called lunar orbit. It is an elliptical path that the Moon follows as it revolves around the Earth.

When does the moon orbit earth?

The moon is in constant orbit around the earth, all the time.

How long does it take moon to revolve around the sun?

The moon revolves around its axis and it orbits the earth. The earth and the moon orbit the sun. Neither the earth nor the moon revolves around the sun; however, the two of them take 365 days to complete an orbit around the sun.