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The astronauts usually live up there for 4-6 months.

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Expeditions to the International Space Station typically last around six months, but some astronauts have stayed for over a year. It is important for crew members to spend enough time in space to conduct various experiments, research, and maintenance tasks to maximize the station's scientific value.

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Q: How long do people live in a space station?
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What is a large artificial satellite in which people can live for long periods?

A large artificial satellite in which people can live for long periods is known as a space station. Space stations are designed to support human life in the harsh environment of space by providing living quarters, workspaces, and facilities for research and experimentation. Examples of space stations include the International Space Station (ISS) and the planned Chinese Space Station.

What are facts about the first space station?

Some facts are- It is used for astronauts to stay in space for a long period of time -Used for longer research -that maybe someday people could live on the moon

How long do people live in space?

The astronauts will have to live in space according to the space plan, example the days in space planned by N.a.s.a.

How long are people on the ISS for?

Typical missions to the International Space Station (ISS) last around six months. Some astronauts may stay for shorter durations, like a few weeks or a few months, while others participate in longer missions lasting up to a year.

Can man live in space?

Yes, but only in a space ship / station or in a space suit and then only for a finite time as one has to take the resources to survive in space with you in to space (from Earth). No. not for a very long time.

How did the space shuttle invention help space exploration?

The space shuttle allowed for reusable spacecraft, reducing the cost of space travel and enabling more frequent missions. It also facilitated the construction and maintenance of the International Space Station, playing a key role in advancing human space exploration capabilities.

How long does it take the space shuttle to reach the space station?

The space shuttle took about 8-10 minutes to reach orbit. It would then take around 6 hours for the space shuttle to catch up with the space station for docking.

How many expeditions have been made to the International Space Station?

As of 2021, there have been over 200 expeditions to the International Space Station (ISS) since the first crew arrived in 2000. These expeditions typically last around six months and involve astronauts conducting scientific research, maintenance, and other activities onboard the ISS.

What is the difference between space stations and space shuttles?

A space shuttle is the ship in which theastronauts use to get to the space station The space station is where the astronauts typically go to refuel and to stay when they r on a long mission.

What is the difference between space shuttles and space stations?

Space shuttles are reusable spacecraft designed to transport astronauts and cargo to and from space, as well as perform various tasks like deploying satellites or conducting scientific experiments. Space stations, on the other hand, are large habitats in space where astronauts live and work for extended periods, conducting research and experiments in a microgravity environment. Space shuttles are typically smaller and have a specific mission duration, while space stations are larger and serve as long-term platforms for scientific research and international cooperation.

International space station's contribution to space?

it provides long lasting travel in space possible and give significant info about life in space. the people up there do reserch studies and find new and amazing things

How long do astronauts stay in space station?

It takes around 5-7 years for someone to become an astronaut. And this is after they already have college degrees and engineering or science experience.