

How large is the sun in diameters?

Updated: 6/26/2024
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The diameter of the sun is approximately 1.4 million kilometers (870,000 miles).

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Q: How large is the sun in diameters?
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How big in diameters is the sun?

Big. Very big.

Is the earth 108 sun diameters?

No, the Earth is not 108 sun diameters. The diameter of the Earth is about 12,742 km, while the diameter of the Sun is about 1.4 million km. Therefore, the Sun is significantly larger than the Earth.

What are the sizes of different stars?

Size of Stars Stars differ in size. Some stars have diameters of only 20 km. These stars are very much smaller than the earth. Our sun is just a medium-sized star. Many stars are much larger than the sun. Astronomers classify according to size. Supergiants are the largest known stars. The star Antares has a diameter 330 times that of the sun. The sun has a diameter of 1 392 000 km. Some supergiants have diameters about 1000 times of the sun. Giants are stars with diameters from 10 to 100 times that of the sun. The star Aldebaran is a giant with a diameter about 45 times that of the sun. Medium-sized stars are about the size of the sun. Their diameters range from 139 200 km to 13 920 000 km. Sirius is a medium-sized star. White dwarfs are small stars with diameters of less than 10 000 km. The smallest white dwarf is Van Maanen's star with a diameter of 8370 km.

Compared to the diameter density and mass of other stars the sun is?

The Sun is an average-sized star in terms of diameter, density, and mass when compared to other stars. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star, which puts it in the middle range of sizes and masses among all stars in the universe.

What is the origin of a asteroid?

399 diameters

Related questions

How far away is the sun from the earth in earth diameters?

The distance from Earth to Sun is about 150 million kilometers. It isn't clear what you mean with "in diameters".

How big in diameters is the sun?

Big. Very big.

What is the bigger star?

The bigger star is typically referred to as the one with a higher mass. Size can vary, but mass is a good indicator of a star's overall size and brightness.

How much bigger than the moon is the sun?

The Sun is about 400 times bigger than the Moon (if you compare the diameters).

Is the earth 108 sun diameters?

No, the Earth is not 108 sun diameters. The diameter of the Earth is about 12,742 km, while the diameter of the Sun is about 1.4 million km. Therefore, the Sun is significantly larger than the Earth.

How many solar diameters would fit between the sun and the earth?

Approximately 109 Earths lined up in a row would fit across the face of the Sun. So, if we consider the Sun's diameter is roughly 109 times that of Earth, we can say that about 109 solar diameters would fit between the Sun and Earth.

What are the of thousands of celestial bodies with diameters between 1 and 500 miles that revolve around the sun?

The assorted rocks in the asteroid belt, which orbits the sun roughly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, have large numbers of members with diameters between 1 and 500 miles. We might further speculate that the Oort cloud also contains many similar space rocks, but no one knows. If you'd like to investigate further, use the links below.

Inner planets have large diameters like those of the gas giants?

Not in our solar system. The inner planets are smaller.

What are the sizes of different stars?

Size of Stars Stars differ in size. Some stars have diameters of only 20 km. These stars are very much smaller than the earth. Our sun is just a medium-sized star. Many stars are much larger than the sun. Astronomers classify according to size. Supergiants are the largest known stars. The star Antares has a diameter 330 times that of the sun. The sun has a diameter of 1 392 000 km. Some supergiants have diameters about 1000 times of the sun. Giants are stars with diameters from 10 to 100 times that of the sun. The star Aldebaran is a giant with a diameter about 45 times that of the sun. Medium-sized stars are about the size of the sun. Their diameters range from 139 200 km to 13 920 000 km. Sirius is a medium-sized star. White dwarfs are small stars with diameters of less than 10 000 km. The smallest white dwarf is Van Maanen's star with a diameter of 8370 km.

How big is a hyper-giant star?

Hypergiant simply means the largest of the large stars; there is no exact definition as to its size. For comparison, the largest stars (in diameter) have diameters 1000-2000 times that of the Sun; the most massive stars have 150-200 times the mass of the Sun; and the brightest stars (in absolute terms, not as seen by us) are estimated to have about 5 million times the brightness of the Sun.

How do you explain about how many diameters a circle has?

There are infinite amount of diameters.

Are all chords diameters?

No, all chords are not diameters, though all diameters are chords.