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That depends what you include in the "Solar System". The Oort Cloud - a group of comets - is believed to be at a distance of about 1 light-year from the Sun; that would give a diameter of about 2 light-years. If you only include the 8 major planets, the size of the Solar System is only a fraction of a light-year. (A light-year is the distance light travels in a year; light gets from the Sun to the farthest planet in just a few hours.)

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13y ago

The Cat's Eye Nebula is 3x10 to the power of 16 meters in diameter.

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2mo ago

The Cat's Eye Nebula has a diameter of about 0.5 light-years. It is a planetary nebula located roughly 3,000 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Draco.

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14y ago

The diameter of the Cats Eye Nebula is about 1,000 light years across.

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12y ago

I will fit in a circle 1.25 degrees in diameter or 2.5x the apparent size of the moon.

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Q: How large is the Cat's Eye Nebula in light-years?
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How large is the cats eye nebula in light-year?

According to Wikipedia: Radius Core: 0.2 ly

Where did the cats eye nebula come from?

the sky

What is an example of a planetary nebula?

The Cats's Eye Nebula is a perfect example of a planetary nebula. See related link for a pictorial.

What galaxy is the Cat's Eye Nebula in?

Considering the distance to the Cats Eye Nebula is only 3,300 light years away, it is going to be within our own Milky Way Galaxy.

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The eye of god is a Helix nebula. Close to a Planetary nebula.

What is a cats eye nebular?

Not "a" - it's the name of one specific planetary nebula. You can find pictures of it in Google Images.

What is the cat eye nebulae?

The Cat's Eye Nebula [See Link] is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Draco.Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope revealed remarkable structures such as knots, jets and sinewy arc-like features.

In which constellation does the cat eyes nebula appear in?

The Cat's Eye Nebula appears in the constellation of Draco.

Which constellation is home to the Lagoon Nebula?

The Lagoon Nebula is located in the constellation Sagittarius. It is a prominent emission nebula and can be seen with the naked eye from a dark location.

What eye shape do British Shorthair cats have?

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It is a cat's eye.