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Q: How is the moon able to block the sun if it is so much smaller?
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How is the moon able to block out the sun?

The moon comes between us and the sun. Although the moon is actually much smaller than the sun it is much closer. You can block out the sun with your hand without difficulty.

Why does our moon which is smaller then the sun produce a total eclipse of the sun?

The moon can block the sun from view despite being much smaller than the sun because it is also much closer to us. In the same line of logic, you can look at a person on the other side of the room and block their head from view with your thumb, even though your thumb is much smaller than their head.

How can the moon block out the sun during a solar eclipse when the sun is so much larger than the moon?

During a solar eclipse, the moon appears to block out the sun because of its proximity to Earth and the alignment of the three objects. The moon is smaller in size compared to the sun, but its distance from Earth makes it appear the same size, allowing it to cover the sun completely during a solar eclipse.

How are mass and weight affected if a block of iron is transported to the moon?

The mass of the block remains the same because mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. However, the weight of the block would decrease on the moon compared to Earth due to the moon's lower gravity. Weight is the force with which gravity pulls on an object's mass.

How does a smaller moon cover the sun in an eclipse?

While the moon is much smaller than the sun, it is also much closer to us, by about the same amount, too. The moon is about 1/400 the diameter of the sun and also about 1/400th the distance. In the same line of reasoning, you can block a sign at the end of the street from view using your thumb, even though your thumb is much smaller than the sign.

Why does the moon casts a smaller shadow on earth?

because the moon is much smaller than earth

How do clouds hide the moon?

Clouds hide the moon by blocking its light from reaching our eyes. When clouds pass in front of the moon, they act like a barrier, making it difficult for us to see the moon clearly or sometimes even at all.

Is Ceres larger than the moon?

No. Ceres is much smaller than the moon.

Why can the moon appear as large as the sun even though you know the moon much smaller than the sun?

For the same reason you can cover either of them with your hand, even though it's much smaller than either.The Moon is much smaller than the Sun, but it's also much closer than the Sun.

Why are smaller rockets needed on the moon?

Smaller rockets are needed on the moon because the moon has lower gravity than Earth, meaning less force is required to launch a rocket into space. Using smaller rockets also reduces the cost and complexity of the mission.

How much smaller is the Moon's gravity to the earths?

The moon's gravity is one-sixth that of the Earth's;

How is the Moon and Earth different from the Earth?

The moon is much more smaller than the Earth.