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Heat is collected by earth due essentially to two phenomena:

  • Sun radiation transmitted through the atmosphere;
  • Heat caused by human activity.

It is interesting to note that the second point is not always negligible: in cities for example a local climate is created due to heat released by heating systems in houses and heat creation by cars and similar vehicles.

Sun radiation is partially reflected to the space at the entrance into the atmosphere so dispersing a part of the sun radiated heat. This is an important phenomenon since it depends on the radiation frequency being very high at high frequencies. Thus the atmosphere partially shield the earth by ultraviolet, X rays and gamma rays.

The heat conveying radiation that reaches the earth surface is absorbed and rises hearth surface temperature.

Since hearth is at a temperature higher than absolute zero it emits, in this case in the infrared frequency bands. This emitted radiation partially leaves the atmosphere contributing to the heat dissipation towards out space.

the same phenomenon affects human generated heat: it is generated by high temperature sources that radiates in the infrared spectral region so diffusing part of the generated heat towards outer space.

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Q: How is heat transmitted from the earth back out into space?
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Does heat escape into space or is it recycled on this planet?

Heat on Earth escapes into space primarily through radiation. The atmosphere can trap some heat through the greenhouse effect, but ultimately, the excess heat is radiated back out to space. This process helps maintain Earth's temperature balance.

What reflects heat back into space and traps heat near Earth?

Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor trap heat near Earth by absorbing and re-radiating infrared radiation. This process leads to the greenhouse effect, where heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere. Clouds and ice also reflect sunlight back into space, helping to regulate the Earth's temperature.

How does heat from the Sun travel through the vacuum of space to the Earth?

Heat from the Sun travels to Earth through electromagnetic radiation, specifically in the form of infrared radiation. This radiation can travel through the vacuum of space because it does not require a medium to propagate. Once it reaches Earth's atmosphere, some of this radiation is absorbed and warms up the planet.

How do clouds heat and cool the earth?

Clouds help to cool the Earth by reflecting incoming solar radiation back to space. However, they also contribute to warming by trapping heat radiating from the Earth's surface. The net effect depends on factors such as the type of cloud and its altitude.

How does a space shuttle get to space and back to earth?

A space shuttle is launched using rocket boosters and liquid fuel engines to reach space. Once in space, it orbits the Earth until it has completed its mission, after which it re-enters the Earth's atmosphere, gliding back to Earth using its aerodynamic shape and heat shield to protect it during re-entry. Finally, it lands like a plane on a runway.

Related questions

Is heat from the sun transmitted to the earth by convection?

No, heat from the sun is transmitted to the Earth through radiation. Convection is the transfer of heat through the movement of fluids like air or water. In the case of the sun, the heat travels through the vacuum of space to reach the Earth.

Why the heat occupy space?

Heat is a form of energy. It can be transmitted through space but it does not occupy space.

Why are the days warmer than the nights?

During the day, the part of Earth you are on gets heat from the sun faster than it can radiate that heat back into space. At night, Earth is still radiating heat back into space, but where you are is not getting heat from the sun, so the temperature drops.

What 3 things can happen to radiated heat when it arrives at any surface?

The 3 things that can happen to radiated heat when it arrives at any surface are:1. It can be Transmitted2. Absorbed3. Reflected

Does heat escape into space or is it recycled on this planet?

Heat on Earth escapes into space primarily through radiation. The atmosphere can trap some heat through the greenhouse effect, but ultimately, the excess heat is radiated back out to space. This process helps maintain Earth's temperature balance.

What reflects heat back into space and traps heat near Earth?

Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and water vapor trap heat near Earth by absorbing and re-radiating infrared radiation. This process leads to the greenhouse effect, where heat is trapped in the Earth's atmosphere. Clouds and ice also reflect sunlight back into space, helping to regulate the Earth's temperature.

This reflects some heat back into space and traps some heat near the earth?

i don't know, so suck it . <3

Do high or low clouds heat the earth?

High clouds (like cirrus clouds) tend to have a cooling effect on the Earth's surface by reflecting incoming solar radiation back to space. Low clouds (like stratus clouds) can have a warming effect by trapping heat and reducing the amount of outgoing longwave radiation that escapes into space.

Why is the ground cold in the morning?

The sun heats the earth but at night their is no sun and the heat of the soil is radiates back into space.

What are similarities of light and heat?

Both light and heat are forms of energy that can be transmitted through space. They can both be emitted from a source and detected by the senses. Additionally, both light and heat can be absorbed, reflected, or transmitted by various materials.

How does heat from the Sun travel through the vacuum of space to the Earth?

Heat from the Sun travels to Earth through electromagnetic radiation, specifically in the form of infrared radiation. This radiation can travel through the vacuum of space because it does not require a medium to propagate. Once it reaches Earth's atmosphere, some of this radiation is absorbed and warms up the planet.

What radiation warms the earths surface and the heat energy is radiated back into space?

Infrared radiation from the sun warms the Earth's surface. This heat energy is then radiated back into space as longwave infrared radiation. This process is known as the greenhouse effect.