Orange stars don't exist, well for the Human Eye we see the sun as Yellow or Orange but actually our Sun is White class G2V.The Surface temperatures of our Sun are around 5505 degrees Celsius, but there are the Brown and Red Dwarfs glowing in Orange Dim light, the Surface temperature of the Red Dwarf is 3210 degrees Celsius or 5800 Fahrenheit.
the brightness of a star usually means how close it is to earth and the colour means how hot it is. blue/white being the hottest and colours like red yellow and orange being not as hot.
Kochab is an orange giant star, so it appears orange in color.
The temperature of a yellow star's photo sphere is hotter than that of and orange star. However the total energy output of an orange star may be greater than that of a yellow star.
Any star that has a spectral class of K is classed as an orange star.There are many:BetelgeuseAntaresProxima CentauriBarnard's starGliese 581
An orange star is a type of star that appears orange in color due to its temperature and spectral characteristics. These stars are cooler than white or blue stars, with temperatures typically ranging from 3,500 to 5,000 Kelvin. Orange stars are common in the universe and can be found at different stages of their stellar evolution.
the color of the star will be orange red and yellowish orangish
No. Even the "coolest" stars have surface temperatures of thousands of degrees. An orange star is not as hot as out sun, but is still quite hot.
the brightness of a star usually means how close it is to earth and the colour means how hot it is. blue/white being the hottest and colours like red yellow and orange being not as hot.
blue stars are the hottest, although red, orange and yellow stars are pretty hot too.
Kochab is an orange giant star, so it appears orange in color.
The biggest star in OUR Solar System is the Sun... Yes, the big hot orange, yellow and red thing that gives our Earth light.
The temperature of a yellow star's photo sphere is hotter than that of and orange star. However the total energy output of an orange star may be greater than that of a yellow star.
Any star that has a spectral class of K is classed as an orange star.There are many:BetelgeuseAntaresProxima CentauriBarnard's starGliese 581
Epsilon Pegasi (Enif) is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Pegasus.It is an orange supergiant and has a temperature of 4,337 K
An orange star is one whose surface temperature is higher than that of a red star but lower than that of a yellow star.
Sun is SUPER HOT! LIKE REALLY HOT BECAUSE ITS A BALL OF FIRE! It is a big star so it is orange and yellow. Sort of a macaroni color. Thanks for Asking!
Orange County Blue Star was created in 1997.