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Mintaka is a star in the constellation Orion.

It is in fact a multiple star system.

  • Mintaka A has a temperature of 31,800 K
  • Mintaka B has a temperature of 33,000 K
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What costellation is between Bellatrix and Mintaka?

Bellatrix and Mintaka are both in the constellation Orion.

What is the size of the mintaka star?

Mintaka is a multiple star system located in the constellation of Orion. The primary star, Mintaka Aa, is a blue giant with a radius of about 16 times that of the Sun. Its companion, Mintaka Ab, is also a massive star with a slightly smaller size.

How many light years is mintaka from earth?

Mintaka (δ Orionis, 34 Orionis) is a star some 900 light years distant in the constellation Orion.

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The three stars in Orion's belt are blue-white in color, indicating they are hot, young stars. Their names are Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.

What constellation is Mintaka in?

Orion the Hunter - it's part of his belt.

How many light years from earth is the star mintaka?

The star Mintaka is approximately 916 light years away from Earth.

How big is mintaka?

Mintaka is a triple star system located in the constellation of Orion. The three stars in the system are classified as O-type blue giants and are some of the most massive and luminous stars known. The primary star, Mintaka A, has a radius about 20 times that of the Sun.

What type of stars are Orion's?

Orion's Belt consists of three bright stars called Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. These are classified as blue supergiant stars, which are massive, hot stars that emit a blue-white light.

What is the distance between alnitak and mintaka?

Alnitak and Mintaka are stars in the Orion constellation and are approximately 1.5 degrees apart in the sky when viewed from Earth. The exact distance between them depends on the observer's location and the angle of viewing.

What are the prominent stars in Orion?

Betelgeuse. Bellatrix. Saiph. Rigel. Alnitak. Alnilam. Mintaka.

How many light years away is the star Mintaka?

Mintaka (Delta Orionis) is about 900 light years from the Earth. It is seen as the most right-hand star in the belt of the constellation Orion when the observer is in the Northern Hemisphere, facing south.See the link below for more information: