The temperatures of planets vary widely depending on factors like their distance from the Sun, atmosphere composition, and surface properties. For instance:
Mercury: Daytime temperatures can reach up to 800°F (430°C) due to its proximity to the Sun.
Venus: Its thick atmosphere traps heat, resulting in surface temperatures around 880°F (471°C), making it the hottest planet in our solar system.
Earth: Temperatures vary greatly depending on location, but the average surface temperature is about 59°F (15°C).
Mars: Temperatures can range from about -195°F (-125°C) at the poles to about 70°F (20°C) in equatorial regions during the summer.
Jupiter: Its upper atmosphere is around -145°F (-100°C), while deeper down, the pressure and temperature rise dramatically.
Saturn: Similar to Jupiter, temperatures vary widely, but its upper atmosphere is around -178°F (-118°C).
Uranus and Neptune: Being outer planets, temperatures are much colder, ranging from around -320°F (-195°C) to -370°F (-224°C).
These temperatures are approximate and can vary depending on specific conditions.
The temperatures on planets can vary greatly. For example, Mercury can reach up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius) on its surface, while Venus has an average surface temperature of around 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) due to its thick atmosphere trapping heat. In contrast, Mars is much colder with average temperatures around -80 degrees Fahrenheit (-60 degrees Celsius), and Neptune is extremely cold with temperatures dipping down to around -300 degrees Fahrenheit (-180 degrees Celsius).
The closer the planet is to the sun, the hotter it would be. Mercury and Venus are the hottest planet in the solar system.
Max Temp: 465°C or 870°F
Min Temp: -184°C or -300° F
Because of its cloud cover it is a very hot planet (greenhouse effect). Temperatures average around 452°C or 870°F and can peak up to 480°C.
Max Temp: 58°C or 136°F
Min Temp: -88°C or -127°F
Max Temp: 20°C or 68°F
Min Temp: -140°C -220°F
Although average surface temperature is -63°C or -81°F
The average temperature at the cloud-tops is: -153°C or -244°F
The average temperature at the cloud-tops is: -185° C or -290° F
The average temperature at the top of the cloud layer is: -212°C or -350°F
Average Temp: -225°C or -373°F
Max Temp: -228°C or -378°F
Min Temp: -238°C or 396°F
Average Temp: -236°C or -393°F
They vary from the hottest Venus to the Coldest Neptune.
It all depends on the distance the planet is from the sun.
The closer the planet is to the sun the hotter it will be as if the the planet is away from the sun the colder it will be.
For example the planet earth is on the goldilocks zone. Why? because is not too hot nor too cold but just right thus life is possibble. I am sorry if i dont give you the exact degrees but this will give you a sort of understanding about the planets and their relationship to the sun.
Many newly detected extrasolar planets are called hot Jupiters because they are large, gaseous planets with characteristics similar to Jupiter, but they orbit very close to their host star. This proximity to their star causes them to have high surface temperatures, hence the term "hot."
Stars are not plants they are really hot gases.
Outer planets and inner planets are compared because they have distinct differences in size, composition, and characteristics. Inner planets are smaller, rocky, and denser, while outer planets are larger, gaseous, and have thick atmospheres. Studying these differences helps scientists understand how planets form and evolve in our solar system.
Inner planets have solid surfaces and are composed mostly of rock and metal, whereas outer planets are gaseous and lack solid surfaces. Inner planets are also closer to the Sun and have shorter orbital periods compared to outer planets. Additionally, inner planets have fewer moons compared to the outer planets.
The "exoplanets" known as "Hot Jupiters".
hot planets i think are mercury and venus... cold planets i think starts from mars outward..
Mercury - Neptune (EX. Uranus) Are Hot. Pluto and Eris are -147 - -312
The planets will get too hot than melt/explode.
Some planets are hoot, some are cold, and some have moderate temperatures.
No planets will ever be like Sun. 1. Sun is star. 2. No matter how hot a planet is, they'll never be as hot.
how would we know? have we been there?
The Sun is very hot it is a ball of gas giving out hot fire, planets are not that hot.The Sun does not orbit anything, where as planets orbit the Sun.
It's too hot.
No, the outer planets in our solar system are not hot. In fact, they are extremely cold due to their distance from the Sun. The outer planets, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are made up mostly of gases and have no solid surface to absorb and retain heat.
the sun is very hot