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They have increased the levels of the greenhouse gases.


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Heather Tremblay

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Q: How have humans changed the atmosphere of the plant in the past years?
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What three dramatic events that changed the earth atmosphere?

Three dramatic events that changed the Earth's atmosphere include the Great Oxidation Event, which led to the buildup of oxygen around 2.4 billion years ago, the Chicxulub asteroid impact that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event around 66 million years ago, and the eruption of the supervolcano Toba around 74,000 years ago, which caused a volcanic winter and significant climate change.

How has te Atmosphere changed over the last billion years?

Over the last billion years, the Earth's atmosphere has changed significantly. Initially, it was likely composed of gases like hydrogen and helium. Over time, volcanic activity released gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor, leading to the formation of the early atmosphere. The development of photosynthetic organisms like cyanobacteria contributed oxygen, eventually leading to the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today.

How has the atmosphere changed over the last 4.5 billion years?

The Earth's atmosphere has evolved significantly over the last 4.5 billion years. Initially, it was primarily composed of gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Over time, changes in the atmosphere, driven by biological and geological processes, have led to the development of the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have started to alter this balance by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.

What did the atmosphere contain millions of years ago?

Millions of years ago, the atmosphere contained higher levels of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases which contributed to a warmer climate. It also had lower levels of oxygen compared to today.

Why are humans concerned about removal of trees?

Humans are concerned about the removal of trees because trees provide essential environmental benefits such as producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, providing habitats for wildlife, preventing soil erosion, and contributing to local climate regulation. Deforestation can lead to a loss of biodiversity, increase in greenhouse gases, and disruption of ecosystems, impacting both the environment and human well-being.

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How have humans changed the atmosphere of the planted in the past 200 years?

They have increased the levels of the greenhouse gases.(Apex)

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the seating has changed the atmosphere & everything that you see now was all different back then

How have humans changed the atmosphere of the plants in the past 200 years?

Humans have significantly altered the Earth's atmosphere in the past 200 years by increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, through activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This has led to global warming and climate change, impacting weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems worldwide.

How has the atmosphere changed over the last 4.5 billion years?

The Earth's atmosphere has evolved significantly over the last 4.5 billion years. Initially, it was primarily composed of gases like carbon dioxide and methane. Over time, changes in the atmosphere, driven by biological and geological processes, have led to the development of the oxygen-rich atmosphere we have today. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, have started to alter this balance by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.

Why did the earth's atmosphere change after it was first formed?

The earths atmosphere has significantly altered over the years. The process of the earth's atmosphere was recognized and evolved 2.7 billion years ago, forming the nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere that exists today. This change enabled the formation and beginning of the ozone layer (which along with magnetic fields) block solar radiation.

Why are humans concerned about removal of trees?

Humans are concerned about the removal of trees because trees provide essential environmental benefits such as producing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, providing habitats for wildlife, preventing soil erosion, and contributing to local climate regulation. Deforestation can lead to a loss of biodiversity, increase in greenhouse gases, and disruption of ecosystems, impacting both the environment and human well-being.

How humans change the atmosphere of the planet in the past 200 years?

They have increased the levels of greenhouse gases.

How has the earths atmosphere changed over millions of years?

The earth's atmosphere has changed significantly over millions of years due to various factors such as volcanic activity, changes in the Earth's orbit, and the evolution of living organisms. For example, early Earth had a different composition with high levels of carbon dioxide and little oxygen. Over time, the atmosphere changed to its current composition with nitrogen as the dominant gas and oxygen supporting life.

How have the Three Sisters mountains in Katoomba Australia changed over time?

well, the blue mountains have changed in many ways, such as the scratch marks that the humans have made in the rocks. the shape and form of the three sisters have changed with all the erosion in the years. the forest is in great danger as not much plant species are grow back and the wild life is fading.

How long will the air last?

If you mean our atmosphere, then it depends. If the population of animals does not increase dramatically and us humans "go greener", then the toxic chemicals in our atmosphere will lower and the atmosphere will stay healthy for millions of years. If we stay like we are now, polluting the atmosphere, then the air will get ruined within a few hundred years.

How did the flowering rush get to the great lakes?

The Flowering Rush has been in Michigan for many years