

Best Answer

It has had the convenient effect of keeping most people on the Earth as they go

about their daily activities, as well as the Earth's atmosphere. This has had all sorts

of fortunate consequences and convenient results, such as the ability to walk, drive,

and breathe. These effects have made it a lot easier for mankind and also its women

to evolve, survive, and thrive as a species, and also to enjoy his leisure time with

activities such as fishing, Baseball, Track and Field, NASCAR, and Bowling, none of

which would be easy without gravity.

Also, the help we get from gravity as we strive to maintain proper nutritional balance

can not be ignored. Have you ever had the experience where you are not feeling quite

up to snuff, then you tentatively have a snack, and you're forced to remark that you are

"... having trouble keeping this down ..." ? It should take only a moment's reflection to

realize how dire indeed would be our straits in those situations were we without gravity.

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Q: How has gravity affected man kind?
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Why is it that the earth is not affected by the Moon's gravity?

The Earth is actually affected by the Moon's gravity, which causes phenomena like tides. However, due to Earth's much larger mass, the effects of the Moon's gravity on Earth are not as easily noticeable compared to the effects on smaller objects like spacecraft or satellites.

What factors affect the amount of gravity between two celestial objects in space?

Not only in space - gravity is universal. The force of gravity is affected by the distance, and by the masses involved.

Is mass and weight affected on the moon by gravity?

Yes, both mass and weight are affected by gravity on the moon. Mass remains the same because it is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight changes because it depends on the gravitational force acting on an object. As gravity on the moon is weaker than on Earth, a person would weigh less on the moon compared to on Earth.

Would newtons change on the moon?

Newton's laws of motion still apply on the moon because they are fundamental principles of physics. However, the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is about 1/6th of that on Earth, so objects would weigh less and fall more slowly. This means that the force required to accelerate an object on the moon would be less than on Earth.

What is the main substance affected by the moons gravity?

The main substance affected by the Moon's gravity on Earth is water. This gravitational force causes the ocean tides to rise and fall in response to the Moon's position in its orbit around Earth.

Related questions

Is length affected by gravity?

No, the length of an object is not affected by gravity. Gravity influences the weight of an object, but not its physical dimensions.

Is mass affected by gravity on earth and other planets?

No. Weight is affected by gravity.

Which type of measurement is affected by gravity?

Weight is a type of measurement that is affected by gravity. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, and will vary based on the strength of gravity at a specific location.

What affected by gravity the weight or the mass?

Weight is affected by gravity, while mass is not. Weight is the force exerted by gravity on an object, and it depends on the mass of the object and the strength of the gravity acting on it. Mass, on the other hand, is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and remains the same regardless of the gravitational field it is in.

How would man kind be affected if the water cycle ceased?

water cycle

What measurement is affected by gravity?

The weight of an object is the measurement that is affected by gravity. Gravity is what gives objects weight, causing them to be pulled downwards towards the Earth.

Does density of an object depend on the gravity of the object?

Density is not affected by gravity. Density is affected by mass and volume, such that density = mass/volume. Weight, but not mass, is affected by gravity. Weight and mass are not the same thing.

Is there an object affected by only gravity?

Yes, there is an object affected by only gravity. Stars and other floating space debris are only affected by gravity in space, as long as the objects do not touch each other.

What is one thing that affects the gravity?

Gravity is affected and effected by mass.

How can the melting point be affected?


Are Eros affected by the Earth's gravity?

No, it is not.

How melting point can be affected?
