The distance from Earth to the star Gamma Virginis, also known as Porrima, is approximately 38.2 light-years. This star is a binary star system located in the constellation Virgo.
52.00098 from the earth
The sky is the Earth's atmosphere.It is not above you, you are in it.
Porrima is a binary star system composed of two stars that orbit around each other. The stars can go through various stages in their evolution, such as when one star expands into a red giant and sheds its outer layers, which may be accreted by the companion star. Eventually, both stars may end their lives as white dwarfs.
It is 362,570 km (0.0024 AU) away from the Earth
Porrima, also known as Gamma Virginis, is approximately 38.1 light-years away from Earth. It is a binary star system composed of two similar stars in the constellation Virgo.
The absolute magnitude of Porrima is 3.04.
Gamma Virginis or (Porrima and Arich) is the second brightest star in the constellation Virgo with an apparent magnitude of 2.74
2.38 (3.12/3.14)
Spica, Porrima, and Vindemiatrix.
The distance from Earth to the star Gamma Virginis, also known as Porrima, is approximately 38.2 light-years. This star is a binary star system located in the constellation Virgo.
Spica, zavisava, porrima, auva, vindemiatrix, heze, zaniah, syrma, and rijl
how far is it
"Distance" means how far two object are from one another. In this case, how far the Moon is from Earth, or how far the Sun is from Earth.
Er ... which planet exactly do you think that we come from? As far as science can discover, Earth IS the only planet with life on it, so you're asking how far Earth is from Earth.
They are in earth