There are three major stars in the Aries constellation: Hamal (Alpha Arietis), Sheratan (Beta Arietis), and Mesarthim (Gamma Arietis).
Hamal, also known as Alpha Arietis, is approximately 66 light years away from Earth. It is the brightest star in the constellation of Aries and can be easily seen with the naked eye in the night sky.
Botein, or Delta Arietis, is an orange giant star with a surface temperature of around 4,500 Kelvin.
Beta Cancri, also known as Tarf, is located approximately 290 light-years away from Earth. It is a binary star system in the constellation of Cancer.
Botein is a main sequence star located in the constellation Aries. It is classified as a yellow-white dwarf star, similar to our Sun but slightly cooler and less massive.
Sharatan, or Beta Arietis is approx 350,366,000,000,000 miles away.
Alpha Arietis (Hamal) is the brightest star in Aries. Beta Arietis (Sheratan) is the blue-white beta star of the constellation Aries.
There are three major stars in the Aries constellation: Hamal (Alpha Arietis), Sheratan (Beta Arietis), and Mesarthim (Gamma Arietis).
There are three main stars found in the constellation Aries, Alpha Arietis, Beta Arietis, and Gamma Arietis.
Clytus arietis was created in 1758.
Delta Arietis or more traditionally known as Botein is about 168 light years from us.
Gamma Arietis (Mesarthim) is a triple star system in the constellation Aries.It is approximately 204 light years from us.
Gamma Arietis (Mesarthim) is a triple star system in the constellation Aries.γ² Arietis is an A type star and has a colour of whiteγ¹ Arietis is an A type star and has a colour of whiteγ Arietis C is a type K star and has a colour of red
Hamal, also known as Alpha Arietis, is approximately 66 light years away from Earth. It is the brightest star in the constellation of Aries and can be easily seen with the naked eye in the night sky.
the absolute magnitude is 0.48 <(-.-<)
Aries is not a star; it is a constellation, a grouping of stars that some people thought looked like a ram. Aries is one of twelve constellations in the Zodiac, which lie along the ecliptic. The Ecliptic is like the "equator in the stars", which is the plane of the Earth's orbit.
HAMAL, also known as Alpha Arietis, is approximately 66.7 light-years away from Earth.