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Q: How does the atmosphere interfere with telescopes?
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Why do astronomers currently prefer orbiting telescopes over earth based telescopes?

Orbiting telescopes are located in the sky, where it is not affected by the turbulence of the atmosphere, while ground-based telescopes are located on the ground, where the atmospheric turbulence (the moving of air) is greater. This is also the reason that some telescopes are built on mountains where the atmosphere is thinner and turbulence is smaller.

Too much in the atmosphere can interfere with the successful transmission of infrared rays into space.?

carbon dioxide

Why is 'hubble' giving better images than the terrestrial telescopes?

The Hubble Space Telescope is above Earth's atmosphere, which distorts and blurs light, giving it a clearer view of the universe. Terrestrial telescopes have to peer through the atmosphere, which can affect image quality with distortion and light pollution. Hubble's position in space allows it to capture sharper and more detailed images than telescopes on Earth.

Which of the following forms of light can be observed with telescopes at sea level?

Telescopes at sea level can observe visible light, radio waves, and a small portion of infrared and ultraviolet light that are able to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere. Other forms of light such as X-rays and gamma rays are absorbed by the atmosphere and cannot be observed at sea level.

What cannot be used to study the celestial bodies?

Earth-based telescopes typically cannot be used to study celestial bodies that emit high-energy electromagnetic radiation, such as gamma rays and X-rays. These types of radiation are absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, so specialized telescopes, like space telescopes, are needed to study them.

Related questions

Scientists on earth Build telescopes on top of ------so the atmosphere doesn't interfere with what they can see?

scientist on earth build telescopes on top of

Why are visible-light telescopes normally put on high mountains?

In that case, there is less atmosphere to interfere with a clear view to the stars.

Why is there telescopes in space?

In space, they can see better because there is no atmosphere to interfere with sight. This gives a much clearer, sharper view.

Telescopes are put in space to stop interference from?

... from the atmosphere.... from the atmosphere.... from the atmosphere.... from the atmosphere.

Why do you need to put some telescopes in space?

Telescopes on Earth have to look through the atmosphere (air) which distorts the image. Telescopes in space dont have to look through the atmosphere and so the image is a lot clearer.

Why are telescopes observations better on the moon than on earth?

Observations from Earth-based telescopes are obscured by the atmosphere.

Why do astronomers currently prefer orbiting telescopes over earth based telescopes?

Orbiting telescopes are located in the sky, where it is not affected by the turbulence of the atmosphere, while ground-based telescopes are located on the ground, where the atmospheric turbulence (the moving of air) is greater. This is also the reason that some telescopes are built on mountains where the atmosphere is thinner and turbulence is smaller.

Why are big telescopes found on top of mountains?

The Earth's atmosphere provides interference to optical telescopes because the molecules in the air scatter and disrupt light. Many telescopes are placed at high elevation because the atmosphere is thinner and will cause less interference.

What is the point in telescopes in space?

A telescope in space will have no interference from the atmosphere.

Why are x-ray telescopes and gamma - ray telescopes in space?

The earth's atmosphere doesn't let these rays reach the ground, so the telescopes are placed in orbit where they can receive the rays.

Why do astronomers currently prefer orbiting telescopes over earth-base telescope?

Orbiting telescopes are located in the sky, where it is not affected by the turbulence of the atmosphere, while ground-based telescopes are located on the ground, where the atmospheric turbulence (the moving of air) is greater. This is also the reason that some telescopes are built on mountains where the atmosphere is thinner and turbulence is smaller.

Where do scientist put telescopes to avoid interferene from earth's atmosphere?
