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Light is the only energy source that can travel without a medium, so as it travels through empty space there is nothing to divert it and if Newton's law of motion, an object in motion stays in motion, stands true then 100% of the light from the sun should reach the earth. When the light hits the earth most of it is deflected or absorbed by the atmosphere.


Whilst substantially true in itself the first sentence is not correct for 2 reasons.

1) The sun radiates its energy from its entire surface, therefore we receive only that from a small area of its surface.

2) Radiated energy from a point source - in astronomical scales the Sun's diameter is small compared to the distances - is attenuated by spreading as the surface of a sphere of increasing radius, so by an inverse-square law. (Area of a sphere's surface is proportional to radius squared.)

Therefore the flux density reaching us nearly 149 million km from the Sun, will be 1/ 149-squared that of its density only 1 million km from the Sun.

The mean solar energy flux at Earth's distance is 1370W/m^2, but that reaching the ground is far lower.

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2w ago

The amount of energy produced by the sun is immense, with an estimated output of 3.8 x 10^26 Watts. However, only a small fraction of this energy, about 1.74 x 10^17 Watts, reaches the Earth due to its distance and other factors.

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Q: How does the amount of energy produced by the sun compare with the amount of energy that reaches earth from the sun?
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