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It depends on their position and the way solar energy is absorbed.

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Q: How does temperature change in the layers of the atmosphere?
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Why doesnt air temperature change uniformly with altitude?

Altitude doesn't change uniformly because the four main layers of the atmosphere have different temperature gradients, creating the thermal structure of the atmosphere.

Does the temperature in the layers of the sun's atmosphere evenly distributed?

No, the temperature in the layers of the sun's atmosphere is not evenly distributed. The temperature increases with height, transitioning from cooler regions like the photosphere to hotter regions like the corona. This temperature variation is due to the way energy is transported and distributed through the layers of the sun.

What priperty is used to distinguish the layers of the atmosphere?

Temperature is the property used to distinguish the layers of the atmosphere

How does temperature change as altitude increases through all layers of the atmosphere?

In the troposphere, the temperature generally decreases with increasing altitude due to lower air pressure. In the stratosphere, the temperature remains relatively constant then begins to increase due to the absorption of solar radiation by ozone. In the mesosphere and thermosphere, the temperature decreases again as altitude increases due to a decrease in the density of air molecules.

Which variable is used to separate the atmosphere into four layers?

The variable that is used to separate the atmosphere into four layers is temperature. The four layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere, and each layer is defined by changes in temperature with altitude.

Which property separates the Earths layers atmosphere into layers?

The property that separates the Earth's atmosphere into layers is temperature. As you move higher up in the atmosphere, the temperature changes due to the absorption of sunlight and the presence of different gases. This leads to the formation of distinct layers such as the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.

The division of earths atmosphere into layers is based on?

The division of the Earth's atmosphere into layers is based on how temperature changes with altitude. These layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. Each layer has distinct characteristics and plays a specific role in Earth's atmosphere.

What criterion is used to separate the main layers of the atmosphere?


On what is the division of the layers of the atmosphere based on?

Based on temperature differences.

How does temperature change as you go through the atmosphere?

There are four layers of the atmosphere. At the ground is the troposphere, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Temperature decreases with height through the troposphere, increases in the stratosphere, decreases in the mesosphere, then increases again in the thermosphere.

The division of earths atmosphere into layers is based on what differences?

The division of Earth's atmosphere into layers is based primarily on changes in temperature with altitude. The layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere, with each layer characterized by its unique temperature profile and composition. These layers are determined by the balance between the absorption of solar radiation and the emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere.

what substance in the upper atmosphere is important to temperature changes in the upper atmosphere layers?

it is the ozone layer in the atmosphere because it is what keeps the atmosphere in check of what is happening in the atmosphere.