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Satellite technology uses a transponder to receive sings and then transfer them to satellites in other locations. They are used for purposes of space satellites and GPS.

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Q: How does satellite technology use a transponder?
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What is the first passive satellite transponder?

The first passive satellite transponder was known as Echo 1, launched by NASA in 1960. It was a large, balloon-like satellite that reflected radio signals back to Earth, enabling long-distance communication.

What is the use of aryabhatta satellite?

Aryabhata satellite was India's first satellite, launched in 1975. It was primarily used for scientific and technological research related to the Earth's atmosphere and the solar system. It helped India gain experience in building and operating satellites, paving the way for future advancements in space technology.

How have canadians contributed to the development and use of satellite technology?

Canadians have contributed to the development and use of satellite technology through the design and deployment of advanced communication satellites, such as the Anik series. Additionally, Canadian companies and research institutions have played a key role in developing innovative satellite technologies, including synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Earth observation satellites. Canada also collaborates with international partners on various space missions, further advancing satellite technology.

Is Canada a world leader in satellite technology?

Yes, Canada is respected for its expertise in satellite technology. It is known for producing innovative satellite systems such as the RADARSAT series and providing advanced Earth observation capabilities. Canada's contribution to satellite technology is recognized globally.

How did the space race impact our lives today?

The technology developed in the 1950-1990's we use today. Your cell phone technology was first made in 1971 and the satellite TV dates from the first one in 1957. It is the same with GPS and even the computer technology grew out of the space program.

Related questions

What is the first passive satellite transponder?

The first passive satellite transponder was known as Echo 1, launched by NASA in 1960. It was a large, balloon-like satellite that reflected radio signals back to Earth, enabling long-distance communication.

What is the frequency range in satellite communication?

The satellite transponder typically works in either the C-band (4-8GHz) or the Ku-band (12-18GHz) and these are for the downlink (from the satellite to the earth station).

What technology is use to study planets people also may use this technology when they watch television?

Satellite technology is used to study planets and to watch television.

How do you get SKY satellite TV in Belize?

With a satellite dish, a satellite receiver, a satellite PC card, you can watch satellite tv shows on your pc. It effectively replaces the set-top box with higher quality and flexibility. The signal will be more stable and you can have more initiative.You might use the TV tuner card, such as TBS DVB-S PCI tuner card, it allows user simultaneously receive dual DVB-S2/S TV channels, this enables the user to watch one channel from one transponder/satellite while recording another channel from a second transponder/satellite. Alternatively the user can use one channel for data download while watching TV on another channel at the same time

What best describes the impact of satellite technology?

Satellite technology increases the speed of global communications A satellite technology increases the speed of global communications

When was Applied Satellite Technology created?

Applied Satellite Technology was created in 1992.

What is the population of Surrey Satellite Technology?

The population of Surrey Satellite Technology is 300.

When was Surrey Satellite Technology created?

Surrey Satellite Technology was created in 1985.

What technology did the scientists use in the film The Day after Tomorrow?

satellite images and radar

Which kind of biologist would most likely use satellite technology?

Ecologists studying wildlife movement and habitat use would most likely use satellite technology to track animals and monitor environmental changes on a large scale.

What are some non-satellite remote sensing technology?

What are some non-satellite remote sensing technology?

What is the definition and meaning of technology satellite?

A technology satellite generally provides electronic services to people on earth.