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Q: How does light get from the sun to an object and then to our eyes?
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If our eyes adjust to light why don't they adjust when we look at the sun?

light from the sun bounces back from objects but eyes only allow light which has bounced back from an object.

How do you we see non luminous objects?

Non-luminous objects are visible to us because they reflect light from a light source, such as the sun or artificial lighting. Our eyes receive this reflected light, which allows us to see the object. Additionally, our brain processes this information to create the perception of sight.

If an object absorbs red and green light outside in the daylight what color will it look to your eyes?

If the object absorbs red and green light, it will mainly reflect or transmit the blue light, so it will appear blue to your eyes. This is because the color we perceive is based on the light that is not absorbed by the object, but rather reflected or transmitted back to our eyes.

How do you get moonlight when the moon is a non luminous object?

as we know moon reflects the sun light and moon is a non luminous object we can see the reflection of the sun's light

What light interaction explains why you can see things that produce their own light?

The interaction that explains why you can see things that produce their own light is reflection. When light emitted from sources like the sun or a light bulb hits an object, the object reflects some of that light into our eyes, allowing us to see it. This reflected light carries information about the object's color, shape, and texture, enabling us to perceive it visually.

Related questions

If our eyes adjust to light why don't they adjust when we look at the sun?

light from the sun bounces back from objects but eyes only allow light which has bounced back from an object.

Do you see an object when light from your eyes hit that object?

No you see the object because the light refelects from the object into your eyes

How can you see an object which does not give out light?

You can see an object that does not give out light because it reflects light from another source, such as the sun or a light bulb. This reflected light then enters your eyes, allowing you to perceive the object's shape, color, and texture.

Can light energy be reflected by an object into your eyes?

Yes, light energy can be reflected by an object into your eyes. When light strikes an object, it can bounce off the surface in different directions. Some of this reflected light may enter your eyes, allowing you to see the object.

When is an object can be seen?

An object can be seen when light reflects off of its surface and reaches our eyes. This happens when there is sufficient light in the environment for our eyes to detect the object.

How do you we see non luminous objects?

Non-luminous objects are visible to us because they reflect light from a light source, such as the sun or artificial lighting. Our eyes receive this reflected light, which allows us to see the object. Additionally, our brain processes this information to create the perception of sight.

What does an object need to do for you to see it?

For you to see an object, it needs to reflect or emit light towards your eyes. Light bounces off the object and enters your eyes, where it is interpreted by your brain as vision.

Why does the light enter to your eyes?

The light bounces off the object to get into our eyes. Actually there are many beams of light, but they don't all reach to your eyes.

How is it you see objects that do not produce light?

You see objects that do not produce light because they reflect light that comes from a light source, such as the sun or a lamp. This reflected light enters your eyes and is processed by your brain to form an image of the object.

Why there is no penumbra in shadow of sun?

The sun has no shadow. A shadow is the region that light from the source can't reach because there is some object in the way. But the sun is the source of light in the solar system. No object can prevent the sun's light from reaching the sun.

Is it true that we see an object when light from our eyes hit that objects?

No, we see objects when light reflects off of them and enters our eyes. The light that enters our eyes triggers a series of reactions in the eye and brain, which result in the perception of an image of the object.

Is it true that you see an object when light from it hits your eyes?

Yes, that is correct. Please note that the object itself doesnt create the light - it mearly relfects the ambient light (which, for example, comes from light blubs or the sun). It is this reflected light that the eye picks up and - with help from the brain - interprets into an image which we "see".