Well, One Is The Big Dipper And The Small Dipper. They Sometimes Make A Pattern
Stars can be distinguished based on their color, brightness, and position in the night sky. They are classified using the letters O, B, A, F, G, K, and M to indicate temperature, and Roman numerals to represent their brightness. Additionally, stars have unique spectral signatures that allow astronomers to differentiate them.
Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.
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The light from stars is used to determine their temperature, composition, distance from Earth, and movement through space. By studying the spectrum of light emitted by stars, astronomers can analyze their properties and gain insights into the nature of the universe.
You observe its motion, with respect to the background stars.
The other stars do not appear as bright as the sun because they are much farther away. Even the closest stars apart from the sun are hundreds of thousands of times farther away. In terms of actual brightness, some stars are brighter than the sun.
outer stars
Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.Stars (apart from our Sun) are not a part of our Solar System.
The answer depends on what you want tell it apart from!
because the stars apart of the solar system.
Old Glory is commonly used as well.
Because stars can predict weathers. Stars can tell time. And stars can tell the right direction.
it depends what you are telling apart
None. The stars are spaced trillions of miles apart.
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The stars, apart from our Sun, are much farther away than Saturn.
Meerkats tell each other apart with smell and dominant
Depends what "them" is