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When you feel like you're being watched, or when there is a chill in the air. they may let you see them but they will be a whitish transparent figure.

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2mo ago

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of ghosts or their ability to watch people. Feelings of being watched can be attributed to psychological factors or natural sensations. If you are feeling uncomfortable, it may help to address any underlying fears or anxieties.

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How do you know if a ghost is evil or nice?

many people don't know but if you wanna check use ghost radar,if the ghost green or yellow it mean the ghost nice,if the ghost red or blue it mean the ghost evil

Are ghosts watching us?

yes mostly only ghosts from our family who have passed away. ive seen a ghost with a knife before a real one. and also i was in a toilet and the taps were dripping and i saw a ghost hissing at beileve in them because they will always be watching us

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