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The Moon's acceleration can be calculated using Newton's second law of motion, which states that force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma). By knowing the mass of the Moon and the force acting on it (such as the gravitational force from Earth), you can calculate its acceleration. It is found to be approximately 0.0027 m/s^2.

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What is the formula t calculate acceleration?

The formula to calculate acceleration is: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

How do you calculate speed when you have the force mass and acceleration?

You can calculate speed by dividing the force by the mass to get acceleration, and then multiplying the acceleration by time. Speed = acceleration x time.

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No. That's only one of several possibilities. -- with initial velocity, distance, and time, you can calculate acceleration -- with final velocity, distance, and time, you can calculate acceleration -- with force and mass, you can calculate acceleration -- with initial and final momentum, you can calculate acceleration -- with initial and final kinetic energy, you can calculate acceleration -- with mass, velocity at either end, and kinetic energy at the other end, you can calculate acceleration And I'm sure there are several more that I've missed.

How do you calculate a objects acceleration?

Acceleration = (change in speed) divided by (time interval)

What formula used to calculate acceleration?

The formula used to calculate acceleration is acceleration = change in velocity / time taken. This can also be represented as a = (vf - vi) / t, where a is acceleration, vf is final velocity, vi is initial velocity, and t is time.

What variables do you use to calculate acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need to know the change in velocity (final velocity - initial velocity) and the time taken for that change to occur. Acceleration = (Change in velocity) / (Time taken).

What To calculate an object's acceleration you need to know?

To calculate an object's acceleration, you need to know its initial and final velocity, as well as the time taken to change velocity. Acceleration is calculated using the formula acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

What must you calculate to determine the accerleration of an object?

To determine the acceleration of an object, you need to calculate the change in velocity over a specific period of time. Acceleration is calculated by dividing the change in velocity by the time taken for that change to occur. The formula for acceleration is acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

How do you calculate the accelerration of an object?

The basic definition of acceleration is (change of velocity) divide by time. Depending on the data you have, you can directly use this basic definition to calculate acceleration.

How do you calculate time with speed and acceleration?

Average acceleration = Change in speed/time so Time = Change in speed/Average acceleration

How do you calculate acceleration on a ticker tape timer?

you don't

Why do you had to calculate acceleration with velocity?

Because acceleration is the rate of change of velocity: it is a measure of how quickly velocity is changing.