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You use Newton's Gravity Theory, GM/r = v^2. Then Earth mass M = rv^2/G = r^3w^2/G or

M= r(2pi r)^2/GT^2

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One way to determine the mass of the Earth is to use Newton's law of gravitation and the known period and distance of the Moon. By knowing the orbital period of the Moon around the Earth and its distance from Earth, one can calculate the gravitational force between Earth and the Moon. By equating this gravitational force to the centripetal force needed to keep the Moon in its orbit, one can solve for the mass of the Earth.

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Q: How do you Determine the mass of the earth from the known period and distance of the moon?
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Determine the mass of the Sun using the known value for the period of the Earth and its distance from the Sun?

The mass of the Sun can be determined using Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion, which relates the period of a planet's orbit to its distance from the Sun. By knowing the period of Earth's orbit (1 year) and its average distance from the Sun (1 astronomical unit), we can calculate the Sun's mass to be approximately 1.989 x 10^30 kg.

What do you call it when earth is at its max distance from sun?

When Earth is at its maximum distance from the sun, it is referred to as aphelion. This occurs annually in early July, as Earth follows its elliptical orbit around the sun.

How do you know the distance to voyager 1?

Scientists track Voyager 1's distance from Earth using radio signals. By measuring how long it takes for signals to travel to the spacecraft and back, they can determine its precise distance. This technique is known as ranging.

Why must a star's parallax be known before you can find the luminosity?

Knowing a star's parallax allows us to determine its distance from Earth. Once we know the distance, we can calculate the star's luminosity by measuring its apparent brightness. This is because luminosity decreases with the square of the distance from the observer, so knowing the exact distance is crucial for accurate luminosity calculations.

The distance from the sun and earth?

The average distance between the sun and earth is about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers. This distance is known as an astronomical unit (AU). Earth's distance from the sun varies slightly as it follows its elliptical orbit around the sun.

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The mass of the Sun can be determined using Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion, which relates the period of a planet's orbit to its distance from the Sun. By knowing the period of Earth's orbit (1 year) and its average distance from the Sun (1 astronomical unit), we can calculate the Sun's mass to be approximately 1.989 x 10^30 kg.

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Not sure what you mean with "known as"; there is no special name for this distance, if that's what you mean.

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This method is known as surveying. It involves measuring and mapping the relative position of points on the Earth's surface. Various instruments such as levels, theodolites, and total stations are utilized to accurately determine distances and elevations.

How did you determine the comet hale bopps period?

The period of Comet Hale-Bopp was determined by observing its repetitive pattern of appearance in the sky over time. By tracking its position relative to Earth as it orbits the Sun, astronomers were able to calculate the time it takes for Hale-Bopp to complete one full orbit, known as its period.

Is earth's motion around the sun known as rotation?

No, the Earth's motion around the sun is known as its revolution. Rotation refers to Earth spinning on its axis.

What do you call it when earth is at its max distance from sun?

When Earth is at its maximum distance from the sun, it is referred to as aphelion. This occurs annually in early July, as Earth follows its elliptical orbit around the sun.

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What do you call the distance between the Earth and the sun?

That is known as an "astronomical unit".

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This is known as the `Perihelion`, for Earth it is 147,098,290 km or 91,402,641 miles

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Neptune has 13 known moons and an orbital period of about 60190 Earth days.

What two quantities must be known in order to determine the distance to an object?

To determine the distance to an object, you need to know the object's speed and the time it takes for the object to travel to a specific location. By multiplying the speed by the time, you can calculate the distance the object has traveled.