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Q: How do we know that the Chinese had umbrellas in the eleventh century BC?
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How do people know that the Chinese had umbrellas over 3000 years ago?

i think yes they have.

What do you think of garden umbrellas Do they hold up?

In my experience, garden umbrellas are great (if you know where to look and if you buy quality umbrellas. I wouldn't recommend aluminium garden umbrellas. Wood umbrellas would be your best choice. You should find all sorts of umbrellas at your local Home and Garden center.

What did the Chinese know about the heart in the second century?

nothing because no 1 new about their eyes

What happened in the 7th century?

Chinese Invented fireworks. Thats all I know! Sorry if it doesn't help

Where are all umbrellas in lpso?

At the bakery but i dont know the other 3

When was the Chinese number system invented?

It can date back to the New Stone Age since Chinese number characters were found on oracle bones. Around 4 century BCE, Chinese already had a developed decimal system during the Warring States period. Around 13 century, Arabic numbers were spread to China.

What street was 'The Umbrellas' by Renoir painted?

We only know it is a street in Paris.In Paris.

When did the Chinese invent woodblock printing?

It is commonly believed that the Chinese invented paper in the 2nd century C.E. (A.D.)

Why do puppies float down from airplanes with umbrellas?

Because they are very, very smart, and know that umbrellas are actually of better use than parachutes because of their high ratio of balance.

Which Chinese inventor invented the compass?

The compass was invented by the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. Its invention is credited to the ancient Chinese Han Dynasty scholar and inventor, Zhu Yu, in the 4th century AD.

Are Galtech patio umbrellas the best value on the market?

I really dont know the answer on the question it depends on how much money you want to spend on the Galtech Patio Umbrellas, we use at home a very simple umbrella.

What are Chinese alchemists?

most Chinese people don't know it. I guess only Chinese historians know...