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In Miller's experiment, the gases used (methane, ammonia, water vapor, and hydrogen) were chosen based on scientific understanding of the early Earth's atmosphere derived from geological evidence and the presence of these gases on other planets or celestial bodies. While we cannot directly confirm the composition of Earth's early atmosphere, these gases represent plausible components based on scientific hypotheses.

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Q: How do we know that in miller's experiment the gases really existed on early earth?
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Why did Steve Russell invent Spacewars?

Steve Russell invented Spacewar as a computer game in the early 1960s to showcase the capabilities of the PDP-1 computer and to explore the interactive potential of computers. It was also created as a fun and engaging way for programmers to experiment with coding and technology.

What did the miller-urey experiment do?

The Miller-Urey experiment simulated the conditions of early Earth by creating a mixture of gases, such as ammonia, methane, and water vapor, in a closed apparatus and applying energy in the form of electricity. This resulted in the formation of various organic molecules, including amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. The experiment provided evidence that the building blocks of life could have formed spontaneously on Earth.

What research did Neil Armstrong do in the moon?

He looked for rocks on the moon to take back to earth and carried out some scientific experiments. Armstrong and Aldrin investigated how easy it was for man to operate on the Moon and set up the "Early Apollo Scientific Experiment Package" which comprised two separate packages the "Passive Seismic Experiment" and the "Laser Ranging Retroreflector"

Did you really land onthe moon?

No, I did not personally land on the moon. The Apollo missions conducted by NASA in the late 1960s and early 1970s successfully landed astronauts on the moon.

How can scientists test their ideas about the origin of the universe if they can't physically interact with or study it?

Scientists can test their ideas about the origin of the universe by using mathematical models, simulations, and observations of the universe's current state. They can also study the cosmic microwave background radiation, which provides information about the early universe. Additionally, experiments at particle accelerators can offer insights into the fundamental forces and particles that existed in the early universe.

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