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The formation of tornadoes is complicated.

First, a condition called wind shear, in which the speed or direction of the wind changes with altitude. If the shear is strong enough it can essentially tilt a thunderstorm, this separates the updraft and downdraft of the thunderstorm, preventing them from interfering with one another. This allows the storm to become stronger and last longer.

Additionally, if the wind shear is strong enough it can start the air rolling in what is called horizontal vorticity. This horizontal vorticity can then be turned vertical by a thunderstorm's updraft. When this happens, the thunderstorm may start rotating. The rotation is especially strong in an updraft called a mesocyclone. If the storm intensifies rapidly enough, a relatively warm downdraft called a rear-flank downdraft or RFD can wrap around the bottom part of the mesocyclone. This can then tighten and intensify its rotation and bring it down to the ground to produce a tornado.

As to their affects, the wind and flying debris in a tornado can damage or destroy vegetation and man-made structures, sometimes to the point of complete obliteration. People and animals caught in a tornado may be injured or killed.

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3mo ago

Tornadoes form when warm, moist air meets cooler, drier air, creating a rotating column of air. The intense winds in a tornado can cause significant damage to buildings, uproot trees, and hurl debris long distances. Tornadoes can also result in injuries and fatalities for those in their path.

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Tornadoes mostly form from cumulonimbus clouds. :D

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