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The clouds grow hotter at night to make up for the sun being down, and they are cooler during the day, because they block the sun.

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4d ago

Thick clouds can block sunlight during the day, reducing the amount of direct sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface and keeping it cooler. At night, clouds serve as a blanket, trapping heat that would otherwise escape back into the atmosphere, leading to warmer temperatures. This process is known as the greenhouse effect.

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Q: How do thick clouds keep us cool in the day and warmer at night?
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Why is it more likely to be a frosty night in winter if the sky is clear?

When sky is clear the heat from earth will radiate to space and cool the night air faster. If cloudy the heat radiated is reflected back from clouds and it does not get so cool

Why do clouds form as warm air rises and not at lower altitudes?

Clouds form as warm air rises because as air rises, it expands and cools, which can cause the air to reach its dew point temperature where water vapor condenses into water droplets, forming clouds. At lower altitudes, the air is usually warmer and has not risen enough to cool and reach its dew point, so clouds do not form as easily.

How does temperature affect the formation of clouds?

Water vapor in the cool air condenses in to tiny droplets of water, forming clouds.

What would happen if the air in the upper atmosphere were warmer than the water vapor in the air?

If the air in the upper atmosphere were warmer than the water vapor in the air, it could lead to increased evaporation of water vapor into the atmosphere. This might contribute to the formation of clouds and eventually to precipitation in the form of rain or snow.

Why do areas of low and high pressure appear in coastal areas in night?

At night, the land cools faster than the sea. This causes the air above the land to cool and create a high-pressure area. Meanwhile, the relatively warmer air above the sea creates a low-pressure area. This difference in pressure between the land and sea leads to the formation of coastal low and high-pressure systems.

Related questions

How can clouds keep us cool in day and warm in night?

During the day, clouds reflect a portion of the sunlight back into space, reducing the amount of solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface, which helps to keep us cool. At night, clouds act as a blanket by trapping some of the Earth's heat and radiating it back downward, which helps to keep the surface warmer than it would be on a clear night.

What are two ways in which clouds affect Earth's climate?

Clouds play a crucial role in Earth's climate by reflecting sunlight back into space, which helps cool the planet. They also trap heat emitted by the Earth, acting as a blanket to keep the planet warmer.

At night why is the land outside cool?

During the night, with the sun below the horizon, the sun's heat felt during the day is able to escape into the atmosphere. It can be very cold if there is a clear night sky. Clouds help to trap the day's heat and prevent excessive heat loss resulting in a warmer night.

When was The Warmer Side of Cool created?

The Warmer Side of Cool was created in 1988.

Why is it more likely to be a frosty night in winter if the sky is clear?

When sky is clear the heat from earth will radiate to space and cool the night air faster. If cloudy the heat radiated is reflected back from clouds and it does not get so cool

Why is it more likely to be frosty on a clear night than on a cloudy night?

On a clear night, heat escapes more easily from the ground into the atmosphere, causing temperatures to drop. Clouds act as a blanket, trapping heat and preventing it from escaping, which keeps temperatures warmer and reduces the likelihood of frost formation.

Do coastal areas get warmer at night?

nights are warmer in coastal areas because the water cools down more slowly than land. so the cool air from the land moves towards the sea which makes the nights in coastal areas warmer.

Is pool water warmer at night or day?

the water collects the heat in the daytime and releases heat at night... so it feels like in the day its cold (cuz it is collecting and not releasing) and in the night it is warm (the warmth is being released) Also besides the other answers, there is the difference between the water temperature and air temperature, which makes the water feel cool on a warm day, and warmer at night than the cool night air with no sun.

What do the sumerians use to make there homes?

They used thick mud to keep them cool at night. The palaces were either made out of lapiz lazuli or shell inlay.

Why are bears suited to live in mountain regions?

bears are situated to live in mountain regions because they have thick fur on their body which does not allows cool air to enter in. The warm air of the body also doesn't goes out. so bears feel warmer in cool regions.

When a warm object is brought near a cool object the cool object will blank?

Get warmer.

Cool air over the poles will?

Actually, cool air tends to be more dense and flow under warm air