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there are space ships that go out in outer space

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Yazmin Sawayn

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A study has been carried out to identify the controlled space physics and plasma physics experiments that can be performed from the space shuttle on sortie missions of 7 to 30-day duration.

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Q: How do scientists conduct controlled experiments in space in space?
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Four kinds of scientists that work on the International space station?

Astronauts - conduct experiments and maintain the space station. Engineers - design and build equipment for experiments and spacecraft. Biologists - study the effects of space travel on living organisms. Physicists - conduct experiments to understand the fundamental laws of nature in microgravity.

American space scientists and explores are called?

American space scientists and explorers are often referred to as astronauts. These individuals are trained to travel into space, conduct experiments, and contribute to our understanding of the universe. They play a crucial role in advancing space exploration and technology.

What are 3 ways space exploration has helped scientists?

Space exploration has led to advancements in technology, such as satellite communication and weather forecasting systems. Discoveries from space missions have provided insights into the origins and evolution of the universe, planets, and celestial bodies. Space exploration enables scientists to conduct experiments in microgravity environments, leading to discoveries in various fields such as medicine and materials science.

What are some experiments conducted on the International Space Station?

Experiments on the International Space Station include research on the effects of microgravity on human health, plant growth in space, materials science, fluid dynamics, and combustion processes. Scientists also study how living organisms adapt to space conditions and conduct studies on fundamental physics concepts.

What was the reason for Challenger to go into space?

The Challenger space shuttle mission was launched to deploy a satellite into orbit, as well as conduct various experiments and observations in space.

Related questions

What is a workshop in space for scientists to conduct experiments?

space lab

Where do scientists stay to conduct experiments and study in space?

In a special Space hotel called a Robitanator

Four kinds of scientists that work on the International space station?

Astronauts - conduct experiments and maintain the space station. Engineers - design and build equipment for experiments and spacecraft. Biologists - study the effects of space travel on living organisms. Physicists - conduct experiments to understand the fundamental laws of nature in microgravity.

How do scientists control experiments in space?

A study has been carried out to identify the controlled space physics and plasma physics experiments that can be performed from the space shuttle on sortie missions of 7 to 30-day duration.

American space scientists and explores are called?

American space scientists and explorers are often referred to as astronauts. These individuals are trained to travel into space, conduct experiments, and contribute to our understanding of the universe. They play a crucial role in advancing space exploration and technology.

How do scientist conduct controlled experiments done in space?

Scientist use robots to search for available forms of life outside of earth. They also use them to explore space itself. Robots such as the mars rover are great examples of how robot are used to explore other plantes and possible life outside of earth in case something were to happen on earth. But its safe to say we're safe for now.

How does technology affect of scientists to study the universe?

Because of the vastness of outer space and the difficulties it poses for survival, scientists generally can't conduct laboratory experiments to explore it. Instead, they must depend on upon their observations.

How do scientists currently explore space?

Scientists do research, do test and go into a space vehicle to do experiments. They also go out the space vehicle in space suits.

Astronauts were able to conduct experiments when working in this?

Astronauts were able to conduct experiments in space. The unique microgravity environment allows for studies on various topics such as biology, physics, and materials science that cannot be easily replicated on Earth. Conducting experiments in space provides valuable insights into how different processes and phenomena behave in microgravity conditions.

What kind of experiments do astronauts conduct on the space station?

Most experiments conducted are medical experiments, but fluid mechanics experiments, various experiments involving weightlessness, and testing of new technologies are also conducted.

What are the disadvantages of science in space?

The disadvantages of Science in Space include wasting of money for the sake of space experiments,Polluting the space with the earth elements,Risking of life by astronauts to conduct space experiments,health problems for the Astronauts and the worst of all wasting a lot of precious time for the space experiments for the sake of little profit.

What are 3 ways space exploration has helped scientists?

Space exploration has led to advancements in technology, such as satellite communication and weather forecasting systems. Discoveries from space missions have provided insights into the origins and evolution of the universe, planets, and celestial bodies. Space exploration enables scientists to conduct experiments in microgravity environments, leading to discoveries in various fields such as medicine and materials science.