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Rockets help in space exploration by providing the necessary thrust to launch spacecraft beyond Earth's atmosphere and into space. They allow spacecraft to reach high speeds and escape Earth's gravity to travel to other celestial bodies in our solar system and beyond. Rockets also play a crucial role in delivering supplies and equipment to astronauts on space missions and in launching satellites for communication, navigation, and scientific research.

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How does rockets aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

How does a rocket aid space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

How does a rocket aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

How it aids in space exploration rockets?

it helps

How rockets aids in space exploration?

it helps

How does aids in space explore?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

How do rockets aid space exploration?

a rocket powers the space station into orbit

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Space exploration isnt a good idea because we are using all the money to send people to space and to build rockets when we could us it to help africa and other countries and pay for supplies.

What object in space starts with the letter R?

· rockets · Rovers (US exploration of Mars)

How did rockets improve space exploration?

Rockets improved space exploration by providing the necessary propulsion to launch spacecraft beyond Earth's atmosphere and into space. They enabled missions to reach farther destinations, travel faster, and carry greater payloads. Rockets have enabled us to explore distant planets, moons, and asteroids, revolutionizing our understanding of the universe.

Objects in space that start with r?

· rockets · Rovers (US exploration of Mars)

How much do Boy Scouts rockets cost?

Presuming this refers to the rockets used for the Space Exploration merit badge. The BSA does not sell the rockets or motors- they are usually ordered or purchased locally. See your merit badge counselor for more help.