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The sun's color results from the temperature of its outer layer, which emits light in the yellow part of the visible spectrum. Hotter stars tend to emit more light in the blue part of the spectrum while cooler stars are more reddish.

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2mo ago

The sun appears yellow due to the way Earth's atmosphere scatters sunlight. In reality, the sun emits light in a variety of colors, with most of its energy output in the form of yellow-green light. This combination of colors gives the sun its overall white color when seen from space.

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The color of the Sun is because of temperature of the heat produced by the Sun. If it was hotter or colder, it would product slightly different color. Some of invisible colors of the Sun is blocked by atmosphere.

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The color of the Sun is because of temperature of the heat produced by the Sun. If it was hotter or colder, it would product slightly different color. Some of invisible colors of the Sun is blocked by atmosphere.

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