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Retro rockets slowed the LM down to landing speed.

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The lunar module slowed down to land on the moon by firing its descent engine to counteract the pull of gravity and reduce its speed. This controlled burn allowed the module to descend gently and touch down safely on the lunar surface.

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What was the craft neil Armstrong traveled in to the moon?

There was two parts, the command module and the lunar module. The command module was used to take them to Lunar orbit, and then the Lunar module was used to land them on the Moon. The Lunar module then lifted the astronauts off the Moon and into Lunar orbit. They then docked with the command module and then got rid of the lunar module. Then the final trip home, they were safely inside the command module.

What was the purpose of the Apollo lunar module?

The Apollo Lunar Module was designed to transport astronauts from lunar orbit to the moon's surface and back. It served as the "landing craft" for the Apollo missions, providing a safe way for astronauts to land on the moon, explore its surface, and then return to the Command Module in lunar orbit.

Why command module of Apollo 11 could not land on the moon?

The command module of Apollo 11 was not designed to land on the moon. Its primary purpose was to remain in lunar orbit while the lunar module carried the astronauts to the surface and back. The command module was responsible for the astronauts' return journey to Earth.

What was the lunar roving viecle used for on the moon?

To explore further away from where the astronauts were able to land the Lunar Module.

What was the name of the craft that took the astronauts to the moon?

The craft that took astronauts to the moon was called the Apollo spacecraft. It consisted of the command module, service module, and lunar module. The lunar module, known as the "LEM," was specifically designed to land on the moon's surface.

Related questions

Which module enables the astronaut to land and leave the moon?

It is the lunar module that is used to land on the moon, and leave the moon.

Which spaceship was used by astronauts for landing on the moon?

The spacecraft used to land on the moon by man was the lunar module. The Eagle!

How many module land on lunar since 1969?

There were 6 lunar modules to land on the moon.

What was the craft neil Armstrong traveled in to the moon?

There was two parts, the command module and the lunar module. The command module was used to take them to Lunar orbit, and then the Lunar module was used to land them on the Moon. The Lunar module then lifted the astronauts off the Moon and into Lunar orbit. They then docked with the command module and then got rid of the lunar module. Then the final trip home, they were safely inside the command module.

Why was it important for the lunar module to land on a flat spot on the moon?

It was important to land on a flat surface, as it would help for a launch of the lunar module , for docking with the command module.

How astronaut land in the moon and take off from the moon?

The astronauts land on the moon and also take off from the moon on their Lunar module.

What was the purpose of the Apollo lunar module?

The Apollo Lunar Module was designed to transport astronauts from lunar orbit to the moon's surface and back. It served as the "landing craft" for the Apollo missions, providing a safe way for astronauts to land on the moon, explore its surface, and then return to the Command Module in lunar orbit.

Why command module of Apollo 11 could not land on the moon?

The command module of Apollo 11 was not designed to land on the moon. Its primary purpose was to remain in lunar orbit while the lunar module carried the astronauts to the surface and back. The command module was responsible for the astronauts' return journey to Earth.

Where did the lunar module of Apollo 11 land?

they landed on the moon in the sea of tranquility

How did Apollo land on the moon?

By using the Descent Stage engine on the Lunar module.

In which of the spacecrafts modules did Armstrong and Aldrin land on the moon?

The Lunar Module, or LM

What was the lunar roving viecle used for on the moon?

To explore further away from where the astronauts were able to land the Lunar Module.