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Q: How did nicoluas Copernicus make his discovery?
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Copernicus's Middle name?

Copernicus's full name is Nicolaus Copernicus. "Nicolaus" is his middle name.

Who discovered the planet going around the sun?

The planet going around the sun was discovered by several different astronomers throughout history, but the most famous and credited discovery is that of Uranus by Sir William Herschel in 1781.

What happened to Galileo when he supported Copernicus?

The problem was, he didn't just support Copernicus's idea, and he did not stick to teaching it as a theory, as the church allowed him to do. His problem was that he promoted it aggressively as the absolute truth, and that is what put him on a collision course with the Vatican. He was tried for heresy because he was held to be trying to reinterpret The Bible. Copernicus's theory, as promoted by Galileo, was eventually replaced by Kepler's theory, but the idea of having the Sun at the center was retained. In the 18th century the discovery of the law of gravity and the laws of motion showed that Kepler's model was very close to reality, and it's the model in use today with slight modifications from relativity.

Who was the Polish mathematician and astronomer who discovered One of the first major scientific discoveries?

Nicolaus Copernicus is the Polish mathematician and astronomer known for his heliocentric theory, which posited that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. This discovery fundamentally changed our understanding of the structure of the universe and marked a major advancement in the history of science.

Astronomer who first viewed the moons of Jupiter?

Galileo Galilei was the astronomer who first viewed the moons of Jupiter. He observed them in 1610 using a telescope he had made himself. His discovery provided evidence supporting the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus.

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What was Nicoluas Copernicus discovory?

He discovered that the Earth is a moving planet

Why was Copernicus's discovery called the Copernicus revolution?

It represented a change in scientific thought

Where did Copernicus live and where?

Nicolaus Copernicus lived in Poland for most of his life. He was born in Toruń and later moved to Frombork, where he spent the majority of his adult life working on his heliocentric theory of the solar system.

Why was Copernicus's discovery called the Copernican?

It represented a change in scientific thought

Why was Copernicus discovery called the copernican revolution?

It represented a change in scientific thought

Why was Copernicus discovery called Copernican's revolutions?

It represented a change in scientific thought

Why was the Copernicus's discovery called the Copernican revolution?

It represented a change in scientific thought

Why was Copernicus's discovery called the copernican discovery?

It represented a change in scientific thought

Where did Copernicus make his discovery?

The theory was published in a famous book entitled (in Latin): 'De revolutionibus orbium coelestium', which means, 'On the revolutions of the orbs of the heavens'.

How did Copernicus' discovery affect him?

Copernicus' discovery that the Earth revolves around the Sun, also known as the heliocentric model, challenged the prevailing geocentric view held by the Catholic Church. This caused controversy and sparked opposition from some religious authorities. However, Copernicus is considered a pioneer of the Scientific Revolution and his discovery ultimately revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

How has Nicholas Copernicus discovery been used?

He was the first astromoner to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology which displaced the earth from the center of the universe.

How did Nicholas Copernicus' discovery challenge the views of the time?

Everyone just knew that the world was flat... If that was wrong, what else could be wrong...