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Ernest Rutherford helped further develop the atomic theory though his was still not the most correct. He created his Rutherford model for atoms, later corrected further by Bohr.

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Q: How did ernst Rutherford contribute to scientific knowledge?
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Who discovered radiolarian?

Radiolarian was first discovered by Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist, in the 19th century. He studied and classified these microscopic organisms found in the ocean.

Who discovered the G-spot?

The term "G-spot" was coined by Addiego in 1981. It is named after the German gynaecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who is claimed to have first hypothesized the existence of such an area in 1950. The G-spot didn't enter public consciousness until a year later with the publication of the book “The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality.” Shortly after the publication of Ladas' book many professional gynaecologists publicly criticized its scholarship and accuracy.

Who invented the optical microscope?

The optical microscope was likely invented by Hans Lippershey, Zacharias Janssen, and Hans Janssen in the late 16th century. These early microscopes used lenses to magnify small objects.

What did Max knoll discover?

Max Knoll, along with Ernst Ruska, invented the electron microscope in 1931. This groundbreaking invention allowed scientists to see objects at a much higher magnification than was possible with traditional light microscopes, revolutionizing the field of microscopy.

Who invented the Dark-Field Microscope?

The dark-field microscope was not invented by a single individual, but rather developed as a technique to improve contrast in microscopy. It was first described in the late 19th century by various scientists, including Ernst Abbe and Felix Dujardin.

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Ernst Rutherford contributing to the atomic structure?

A short answer for the Rutherford atomic model: the atom is composed from a central part - a nucleus, positively charged, surrounded by electrons - very small negative charged particles.

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Ernst Rutherford discovered beta decay. Henri Becquerel discovered that there were emissions somewhat like X-rays originating from uranium. Ernst Rutherford discovered that two different kinds of emissions were coming from the uranium, and he named these alpha and beta. He published a paper on this in 1897.

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He was born August 30th, 1871 and died at the age of 66 in 1895 He was born August 30th, 1871 and died at the age of 66 in 1895

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Which scientist is known for developing the planetary model of the atom?

The scientist that developed the orbital model is Niels Bohr

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