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Q: How did ender bring his launch at battle school together?
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Where did the astronauts stay during launch and reentry in Apollo?

Astronauts stayed inside the Apollo Command Module during launch and reentry. This module was attached to the Saturn V rocket during launch and detached for reentry to bring the astronauts safely back to Earth.

What year did the beginning of the use of space shuttle to lift heavy cargoes into orbit to provide labs for scientific research in space and to launch bring bach and repair satellites?


Why did Christa McAuliffe went up in space?

Christa McAuliffe was a high school teacher selected to be the first private citizen in space as part of the NASA Teacher in Space Project. She went up in space to inspire and engage students in STEM education and to bring awareness to the importance of space exploration. Tragically, the Challenger space shuttle carrying McAuliffe and six other astronauts exploded shortly after launch in 1986.

Why has the International Space Station been built in sections rather than being sent upto space alllat once WikiAnswers?

For lots of practical reasons. It would have been much more difficult to launch it if it was in its complete form. It was easier to bring it up section by section. Scientific work could also be done on the station itself, without having to wait for it to be completed. It gave them time to test out new things. Technology was also developing, so they could send up the latest technology of the time. Many people were working on it, so it was easier to have them work on their pieces separately and then bring them together in space. For these and other reasons, it was easier to do it in sections and assemble it in space.

How does space junk get in space?

Space junk is usually the result of human-made objects that are no longer operational or have been discarded in space. This includes defunct satellites, spent rocket stages, fragments from collisions, and debris from missions. Over time, these objects can collide with each other, creating more debris and increasing the amount of space junk in orbit.

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To bring together all the elements of a play - Apex Locke High School >:D

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you take them to school because if you said bring them to school it sounds as if you are going to school and you are taking the child with you

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The Bandwidthplace was created in 1999 as a way to bring together bandwidth sellers and buyers. They also offer a bandwidth test that has received mixed reviews as to its effectiveness in confirming bandwidth usage.

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When he goes to school, does he bring his books? He does go to school, but he does not bring his books.

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No o_oI mean...who would want to bring them to school?

I have to bring in a food into school relating Alaska I can bring in a beverage too What should I bring?

eskimo ice cream; shortening, sugar, blue berries. mix them all together in a bowl. the natives use whale or seal fat instead of shortening.

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Abraham Lincoln Wanted to bring the nation together agin, it wasn't until later he passed the emancipation proclimation act to abolish slavery

What to bring to school?

To school you bring a pencil,ruler,rubber,sharpenar,pen,colour pencils,and maybe books(if needed for school!).

What kind of activities bring communities together?

Communities are so important to our culture, and there are many ways that communities are brought together, such as and not limited to; community gardens, festivals, concerts, fund raisers and school functions.