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Captain Scott did not survive the weather. He died of hypothermia, and probably malnutrition after being confined by weather in his tent for about 10 days prior to his death.

Wie konnte robert falcon scott in diesem wetter überleben?

Kapitän Scott hat das Wetter nicht überleben. Er starb an Unterkühlung , und wahrscheinlich Unterernährung nach etwa 10 Tage lang in seinem Zelt durch das Wetter beschränkt ist vor seinem Tod .

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Robert Falcon Scott and his team survived in the harsh Antarctic weather through careful planning, proper equipment, and teamwork. They used specially designed clothing to stay warm, and their supply depots allowed them to replenish their provisions along the way. Despite their efforts, Scott and his men ultimately perished on their return journey due to a combination of factors, including extreme weather conditions and dwindling supplies.

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What was Robert Falcon Scott's nickname?

Robert Falcon Scott was known in his family as CON

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Yes, they were Antarctic explorers.

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Robert Falcon Scott died on the Antarctic continent as Captain of the Terra Nova expedition.

How was Robert Falcon Scott involved in Antarctica?

he traveled to Antarctic but on the way back he died.

Why is Robert Falcon Scott a famous survivor?

Actually, Robert Falcon Scott did not survive his trek to the South Pole: he perished on his return.

When did Robert Scott come back from the Antarctic?

Sir Robert Falcon Scott died on Antarctica in March of 1912, and did not return.

How old was Robert Falcon Scott on his second expedition?

He was 42 when the Terra Nova left for the Antarctic.

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Scott of the Antarctic's name is Sir Robert Falcon Scott. :)

What did Robert Falcon Scott take to antarctic?

Robert Falcon Scott took various supplies and equipment to Antarctica for his expedition, including clothing, food, tents, sledges, skis, and scientific instruments. His team also brought ponies and dogs to assist with transportation. Unfortunately, the expedition faced challenges and Scott and his team did not survive.

Was it a bad day when Robert Scott set of to the Antarctic?

It may have been a 'bad day' for some, but was not noted as such for Sir Robert Falcon Scott.

Robert Falcon Scott what date he returned?

Robert Falcon Scott did not return from his second polar expedition: he died on the Antarctic continent. His first expedition, however, returned to Portsmouth docking on 10 September 1904.