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Urine was collected in the imaginatively named Urine Collection Device and looked something like a condom. It was then passed through a tube and vented into space, apparently looking quite spectacular if the sun happened to be rising or setting!

Solid waste was sealed in a double bag which contained germicide and was returned to earth. The whole procedure took much longer than it does on earth, as well as the difficulty in making sure various waste particles did not escape into the cramped cabin you shared with two other men. (On Apollo 8, the Commander had the misfortune to have a stomach upset, much to the distress of all three astronauts.)

During the time on the lunar surface, special 'nappies' were worn to catch waste.

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Neil Armstrong used a urine collection bag for waste disposal during his flight to the moon. Solid waste was collected in a bag with a germicide and stowed away for disposal back on Earth. The bag would stay with the spacecraft upon re-entry and burn up in the atmosphere.

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Q: How did Neil Armstrong use the toilet on his flight to the moon and what was used as a toilet and how was it disposed?
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The United States Government funds the space program, which would include Neil Armstrongs flight.

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The CSM: "Columbia", call sign in-flight was "Eagle".

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apolla 11

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Neil Armstrong affected the environment by his flight on Apollo 11 to the moon. He gathered artifacts, studied the surface, ect. and brought back things to earth that scientists will use for years

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When was neil Armstrong first space flight?

Neil Armstrong's first space flight was aboard Gemini 8 on March 16, 1966. It was a pivotal mission in the Gemini program where Armstrong made history by performing the first successful docking of two spacecraft in orbit.

How did Neil Armstrong go to the toilet in space?

Neil Armstrong used a special zero-gravity toilet that had a seatbelt and thigh straps to keep him in place. The waste was suctioned away using airflow. This system allowed astronauts to urinate and defecate in space without creating a mess.

Who was involved in the Apollo 11 manned flight?

Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins

What happened on may 1998?

I was born & Neil Armstrong was on the moon for the Apollo 11 Space Flight.