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Galileo responded to the charges being made against him by arguing that he did not believe the things he had written. He explained that he was sorry for his words.

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Q: How did Galileo respond to the charges being made against him?
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Criminal: Before charges filed: the Arrestee - after charges are filed: the Defendant.Civil: The party against whom the case is being filed can be identified by severaltitles: The Defendant - the Respondant - etc.

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Johnny was going to be charged with killing a Soc. Manslaughter, I think.

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"People" don't press charges. The State (in the form of the prosecutor's office) presses charges. If the complainant in the offense you are being charged with is currently in prison, does not mean that you he can't be a witness against you in the offense you allegedly committed against him.

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One of the biggest challenges Galileo faced was the opposition and persecution from the Catholic Church for his support of the heliocentric model of the solar system, which went against the Church's geocentric beliefs. This resulted in Galileo being tried by the Inquisition and placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.

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New here please view Discussion tab for explanation If no criminal charges were filed against WHO? You? Or the person on who's behalf you were doing the obstructing? If you were obstructing an investigation being conducted against someone else - and THAT person eventually had no charges files against them - that does not mean that you didn't obstruct the investigation. Please see Discussion Page for response:

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When a person commits perjury in any court, including family court, the DA will being charges. In some cases, the judge will bring the charges against the person and sentence the person to jail.

Why and how did Giles Corey die?

Giles died because he wouldn't answer the charges against him. He died being pressed by stone with his last words being "more weight"

Why was the church against the heliocentric theory?

The truth is they weren't, they were against the way Galileo was presenting it. Galileo patron was the church his findings were enough for him to believe it was scientific law. The Catholic Church in an attempt to please Protestants accusing them of not taking the Bible seriously told Galileo to treat it as a theory. He refused after multiple warnings he was arrested for being insubordinate and the church went on to fund other people willing to treat the Heliocentric theory as a theory not fact.