Galileo developed his theories through a combination of experimental observations, mathematical analysis, and critical thinking. He conducted experiments and made precise measurements to understand the motion of objects and the behavior of falling bodies. His observations and calculations challenged existing beliefs and laid the foundation for modern physics.
Galileo Galilei changed the world today because he invented many space telescopes that still come in handy today, he also was the one of the only people that experimented his own theories. I LOVE RYAN ANDREW SWIFT
Galileo, who struggled against the Catholic Church to have the theories of Copernicus accepted.
Galileo Galilei was forced to admit publicly by the Catholic Church that the Earth stood motionless at the center of the universe in 1633. This was part of the Inquisition's trial against him for supporting the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus.
First they study the subject, then they come up with questions that other people may want to know the answer to. After that, they use their studies and knowledge of physics to come up with a believable and reasonable way that something could be what they think it is.
Galileo Galilei
he theorized on cupcakes
Galileo withdrew his theories about the Earth's rotation in order to avoid being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church. The Church condemned heliocentric ideas as heretical, and Galileo was ultimately forced to recant his views to avoid punishment.
it was about all his scientific theories
His theories where considered blasphemy.
Albert came up with 12 theories.
in the late 1700s
Galileo Galilei
hi discoverd that earth was not a sqaur it was raound
Galileo was forced to recant his theories about the Earth's rotation because of the Church. His theories went against the biblical scriptures and therefore he was forced by the Pope and the clergy to retract all his theories from society.
The Church did not disapprove of Galileo's work. What they disapproved of was that he was teaching his findings as fact when they were simply unproven theories. Even Galileo stated that he could not proven them.
Answer #1:Galileo was a philosopher, scientist, physicist, astronomer, and mathematician. He came up with his ideas because he was curious and wanted to explore how things happened.===============================Answer #2:Galileo formulated his theories in the same way that today's best scientists do: by observing things around him, proposing explanations, testing them by experiment, and trying hard to keep his own opinions and desires out of the whole process. That's why, although he was one of many at the time, he's the one that's best remembered.