You can check if an email has already been sent by looking in your Sent folder in your email client or service. If the email shows up in the Sent folder, then it has been successfully sent. You can also check your Outbox to see if the email is still waiting to be sent.
"Had been sent" indicates a past action that occurred before another past event, while "has been sent" indicates a completed action that happened recently or is still ongoing in the present.
No animals have ever been sent to the moon.
There is no record of a monkey being sent to the moon. However, monkeys have been sent to space as part of research experiments in the past.
Yes, jellyfish have been sent into space as part of scientific experiments studying how they adapt to microgravity conditions. These studies aim to better understand the effects of space travel on living organisms and their behavior.
No woman has been sent to the moon yet. The first woman who will walk on the moon has not been selected or announced.
the U.S. sent $1 million
forward it
The correct phrase is "once sent it." The verb "sent" should be in the past tense to indicate that the action has already been completed.
It is then sent to the Senate for their consideration, unless the bill has already been passed by the Senate, in which case, it is sent to the President.
Because it's already been sent out and you must have been too late for it.
Yes, it is correct. Here is an example of a sentence containing this phrase: "I immediately regretted my impulsive act, but it was too late: the message was already sent." Note, however, that "was already sent" is in the passive mode, and using the active mode instead of the passive is often recommended to make your writing more interesting and engaging to the reader.
It is believed to have been the Archangel Gabriel.
the purpose of the credit note is when you have to correct an invoice that has already been processed and sent to the buyer.
have been sent
I have already sent your file
Tell them I am sent you.
Unless you are a doctor, there is no way to tell for sure if a girl has already been "making love".