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Q: How can people who aren't scientist help aid in galaxy indentification?
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How did the use of the telescope and microscope change peoples view of the world?

The telescope allowed people to see farther into the universe, leading to new discoveries about space and the solar system. The microscope enabled scientists to observe and understand the world of microorganisms, revolutionizing our understanding of biology and medicine. Both instruments expanded human knowledge by revealing the vastness of the cosmos and the complexity of the microscopic world.

Why were the bifocals invented?

Bifocals were invented by Benjamin Franklin to address his age-related presbyopia, a condition where focusing on close objects becomes difficult due to the natural aging process of the eye. By combining lenses for distant and near vision in one frame, bifocals enabled users to see clearly at different distances without needing to switch glasses.

How many rings in planet Mars?

Mars has two prominent rings that are composed of primarily dust and rocks. These rings are relatively small compared to other planets' rings, such as those around Saturn.

Why arent the clouds in the ground?

Clouds are formed from water vapor that has condensed into tiny droplets or ice crystals. These droplets and crystals are suspended in the air due to updrafts and air currents. The conditions at ground level are typically not conducive for the formation and suspension of clouds, which is why clouds remain in the atmosphere rather than settling on the ground.

Why are some nights darker than others?

The answer depends on where you live and how much light pollution there is. In areas with few artificial lights (street lights, house lights) then if the moon's not visible then it will be dark, if the moon AND the stars arent visible (like due to clouds) then it will be darker, still. In cities, clouds usually reflect the light from street lights back down to the earth so depending on how much your city/town is lit up, it might actually be brighter on a cloudy night!

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Well ... I NO there all in space !! arent i clever ? ?

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No, because it is dangerous and it can affect a lot of things in your brain like brain tissues. If people arent smart, oh well, God made them the way they are.

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Well, There are 17 Million People, So there arent many people that know it for sure. But Almost everyone i know, Arent.

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The same stellar materials and dust any other galaxy is made of - it just hasn't taken on a coherent shape - yet, or possibly it had a collision encounter with another galaxy, leaving it "irregular" - either is possible.

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It is impossible to estimate.