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Q: How can blimps be of use scientific studies of the air?
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How can blimps be use in scientific studies of the air?

Blimps can be used in scientific studies of the air to collect atmospheric data such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and air pollution levels at different altitudes. They can also be equipped with specialized sensors to study air composition, wind patterns, and weather patterns in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner. Additionally, blimps can provide a stable platform for researchers to conduct experiments or observations in the lower atmosphere.

Why use heat in a hot air balloon?

Because hot air rises. And I assume because burning fuel to create the hot air is easier, perhaps a lot lighter as well, and definitely cheaper than constantly buying helium. Although blimps used that method.

What is the gas used in hot air balloon?

Air - a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases. When heated, air becomes less dense and so it will float in cooler (= more dense) air, giving the balloon its lift.Airships and blimps are different to hot air balloons in that they gain lift from an envelope (the balloon) filled with a gas that is lighter than air. In the past, this was hydrogen but use of this gas was stopped due to its extremely flammable nature and helium is now used instead.Used gasses in balloons: helium, hot air, hydrogen.

How the blimp is different from the hot air balloon?

A blimp is a powered, steerable airship filled with helium or hot air, while a hot air balloon is unpowered and relies on hot air for lift. Blimps have an enclosed gondola for passengers and are more maneuverable, while hot air balloons have an open basket and drift with the wind. Additionally, blimps are typically larger and used for advertising or surveillance, while hot air balloons are used for recreational purposes.

Why do hot air balloons rise?

Hot air balloons rise because the air inside the balloon is heated, causing it to become less dense than the surrounding cooler air. This lower density air creates buoyancy, lifting the balloon upwards. The balloon will continue to rise until it reaches a point where the surrounding air is the same temperature, at which point it will remain at a steady altitude.

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How can blimps of use in scientific studies in the air?

Blimps are used to studie air pollution.

How can blimps be of use in a scientific studies of the air?

pollution ZION JOSEPH

How can blimps be use in scientific studies of the air?

Blimps can be used in scientific studies of the air to collect atmospheric data such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and air pollution levels at different altitudes. They can also be equipped with specialized sensors to study air composition, wind patterns, and weather patterns in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner. Additionally, blimps can provide a stable platform for researchers to conduct experiments or observations in the lower atmosphere.

What air do blimps use?

Blimps use lighter than air gasses namely hydrogen or helium.

What are the differences between hot air balloons and blimps?

blimps are oval shaped

Has helium ever been used in blimps?

Yes, helium has been used in blimps as a lifting gas. Helium is less dense than air, which allows it to provide buoyancy and help the blimps stay afloat. However, today, most blimps use a combination of helium for lift and air for control and propulsion.

Is lithium in blimps?

Yes, lithium can be used in the form of lithium-ion batteries in blimps for electrical power. These batteries are lightweight and have a high energy density, making them suitable for air transportation applications.

What makes helium great to use in balloons and blimps?

Helium's density is less than the density of air, so it floats in air.

Do they still use helium in blimps?

Yes, helium is still commonly used in blimps due to its low density and non-flammable properties, making it a safe option for lifting aircraft. Helium provides the necessary buoyancy to keep blimps afloat and is widely used in the aerospace industry for this purpose.

Why do they use helium gas in blimps?

Helium has a low density and causes balloons and blimps to float

What is the difference between blimps and airplanes?

Beside the actual design of course, the difference is that airplanes use their engines/propellers and wing to create air flow and fly while blimps, zeppelins, and the like use hot air to propel themselves up and increase or decrease hot air in the balloon to go up or down. This is the main difference between the two aircrafts.

How do blimps float?

Blimps float because they are filled with a gas that is less dense than the surrounding air, typically helium or hydrogen. This creates lift, allowing the blimp to stay airborne. By adjusting the amount of gas in the blimp, pilots can control its altitude.