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The light generated by stars is mostly generated by hydrogen fusion. The light emitted from hydrogen has a distinctive emission spectrum. The emission spectrum undergoes shifting when the source and the receiver (Hubble) are moving in relation to each other. The spectrum will shift to the higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths ("blue shift") when the source and receiver are moving towards each other. Due to the "fact" that the universe is expanding, the source and receiver are moving away from each other. This causes the emission spectrum to shift to lower frequencies and longer wavelengths ("red shift"). The amount of red shift is an indication of the rate at which the cource and the receiver are moving away from each other. The expanding of the universe implies that the farther a source is from the receiver, the farther away the source and receiver are from each other. The red shifts of current objects have estimated that the farthest objects that we see are ~10-15 (not sure of exact number) billion light years distant from earth.

As for absorption, the light emitted from a star that passes through gases of interspace and of planets will be absorbed at different wavelengths depending on the elements contained within the gas. This allows the determination of planetary atmospheres and intergalactic clouds.

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Jayda Quigley

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