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Q: How are probes and landers alike?
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Related questions

Do space probes carry space landers?

Some space probes carry landers, but most do not.

How are space probes alike?

They are all alike in that they are in space.

Who went to Venus what is the name?

No one has been to Venus, though man made probes and landers have been sent there.

What are the three celestial bodies were landers have successfully landed?

Controlled landings by probes or spacecraft have been achieved on the Moon, Venus, and Mars.

Does mars have satellites orbiting it?

Yes, we have satellites orbiting mars. The last few probes that we've sent contained both landers and satellites intended to orbit the planet. They not only photograph the planet but they also serve as relays and retransmitters for the landers when communicating with Earth.

How Can Gold Dissvolve?

It can't. Gold is a noncorroding metal. This is why NASA uses it in space probes and landers for studying Mars and other planets, along with the rest of the Sol System.

Was there any spaceship that passed through the asteroid belt?

Any of the several probes and landers that have ever reported data from Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, or beyond, had to pass through the asteroid belt.

What is the birth name of Hal Landers?

Hal Landers's birth name is Landers, Harold.

What is the difference between a probe and a lander?

A probe is a spacecraft designed to explore space by gathering data in space or on a celestial body's surface, while a lander is a type of probe that lands on a celestial body's surface to conduct experiments and observations. Essentially, all landers are probes, but not all probes are landers.

What is the birth name of Shaun Landers?

Shaun Landers's birth name is Shaun Michael Landers.

What is the birth name of Landers Stevens?

Landers Stevens's birth name is Stevens, John Landers.

What is the birth name of Kristy Landers?

Kristy Landers's birth name is Kristy Lynne Landers Niedenfuer.