You need to look where the shadow is leaning
Astrolabes were used for measuring the altitude of stars and planets, aiding in navigation and timekeeping. Quadrants were used for measuring angles, particularly the altitude of celestial bodies, for navigation or astronomical observations. Both instruments were essential tools for ancient astronomers and navigators.
Compasses help sailors determine the direction in which they are traveling by detecting the Earth's magnetic field. Astrolabes were used by sailors to determine the altitude of celestial bodies, such as the sun or stars, which helped them navigate by calculating their position relative to these reference points.
Space technology has given humans a broader perspective of Earth, fostering a greater appreciation for its fragility and interconnectedness. It has also led to the development of new technologies and solutions that have improved many aspects of everyday life, such as GPS navigation and weather forecasting. Additionally, space exploration has inspired curiosity and imagination, encouraging people to think beyond their immediate surroundings and consider the possibilities of the universe.
Literature is important in everyday so you can learn and grow mentally.
it is important because it helps us produce a better life
acids and bases are important!
it is used for jewelry!
depends on your ethical view of life. math is very important. it is used in everyday life
it isnt that important once you get a job
o we could maintain cleanliness and orderliness everyday ;)
We use it in our everyday life
Cause they are everywhere. you use them in everyday life