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with a fat bong and a cuply bukkies

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 8mo ago

On the Moon, there is no atmosphere to create wind currents, so a flag would not wave or flutter like it does on Earth. When the Apollo missions planted flags on the Moon, they had a horizontal rod along the top to hold the flag out so it wouldn't just hang down like a curtain.

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Where is the one place the us flag flies but is never raised?

On the moon.

Where is the one place the us flag flies but is never raised lowered or saluted?

On the moon

Where is the only place the American flag flies all day?

The moon... has done for a long time !

What flag would you find on the moon?

The flag you would find on the moon is the United States flag, as it was planted there by the Apollo astronauts during the Moon missions.

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The flag remains on the Moon .

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The flag planted on the moon during the Apollo missions was the flag of the United States of America.

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No. Only Americans have walked on the moon so there is an American flag on the moon.

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The flag with a crescent moon and a star is Turkey's flag.

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The flag that is red with a white moon and star is the flag of Turkey.

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The moon

How American flag flies in the moon because moon has no air?

If you look at the photos of the flag on the moon, you'll noitce the top of the flag has a rod in it to hold it up and make it look like its flying in the breeze. The Apollo 12 astronauts could not get the top bar to latch. It is the only one that hangs down. The other 5 flags all worked as they were designed.

Who planted the us flag on the moon?

Neil Armstrong planted the U.S Flag on the moon.