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The water will not "disappear"; it will evaporate. If it's hot, water will evaporate faster.

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Q: How Does the sun make water disappear?
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What make water disappear?

basicly, the are only 2 things that make water dissapear, the sun (with evaportaion) OR manully with a drain.

What made the darkness disappear?

The rising sun or turning on a light can make darkness disappear by providing illumination and increasing visibility in a given space.

What is the process called when the heat from the sun makes water seem to disappear?

evaporation there you go

How do puddles disapear?

Puddles disappear through a process called evaporation. When the sun shines on the water, it causes the liquid water molecules to turn into a gas called water vapor, which then rises into the air. This gradual evaporation of the water from the puddle causes it to disappear over time.

Do puddles disappear faster in the sun or in the shade?

in the sun

How do water puddles disappear?

Water puddles disappear through a process called evaporation, where the heat from the sun causes the water molecules at the surface to turn into water vapor and rise into the air. This continues until all the water has evaporated. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed can affect the rate at which water puddles disappear.

What is the process called when heat from the sun makes water seem to disappear?

The process is called evaporation. This is when heat from the sun causes water molecules to gain enough energy to escape into the atmosphere as water vapor.

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How do you make a crystal disapper in water?

To make a crystal disappear in water, you can crush the crystal into a fine powder so that it dissolves quickly in the water. As the crystal dissolves, it will become less visible. Alternatively, you can heat the crystal until it melts and then mix it into the water until it dissolves completely.

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You drink it or you empty it onto someone else

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The Sun heats it.

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Dew appears on grass in the early morning hours. It goes away after the sun is up because the heat of the sun causes the water to evaporate.