When blue and green light combine, they create cyan light. Cyan is a shade of greenish-blue that sits between the two colors in the light spectrum.
Blue and yellow light combine to create white light. This is because blue and yellow are complementary colors that, when mixed together, cover the entire visible spectrum.
When red, green, and blue light are mixed together, they produce white light. This phenomenon is known as additive color mixing.
Red, green, and blue. If you go to a play and look at the lights above the stage they usually have a red, blue, or green covering. When they mix they make white light. Hope this helps :)
The cap is called 'green' because it absorbs all other colors of light, leaving only the green light to bounce from it to your eyes. If no green light shines on it, then there's no light to bounce from it to your eyes, and it appears black. If you only shine blue light on it, then there's no green light shining on it.
it makes a light blue green
To make blue grey do I use: dark green and a light blue or a light green with a dark blue
no, yellow and blue make green
Yellow and blue mix to make light green.
Blue and Green make the color Red in the Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum.
No you will get White light. no you wont ..you will get a light green colour..
it makes a color jk
Mixing blue and yellow light together will produce a light green color. This is because blue and yellow are primary colors of light that combine to create green when mixed.
When blue and green light combine, they create cyan light. Cyan is a shade of greenish-blue that sits between the two colors in the light spectrum.
To make green you have to mix both yellow and blue together. To make it darker add extra blue. Do not use a light blue.