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The first seven were the first seven American Men in Space flight- not a memorial or posthumous angle. There were No in-flight fatal accidents in the Mercury or Gemini programs, and only one ( killing three Astros= Grissom, White , and Chafee) in a ground test that caught fire-in the Apollo program. There were, to date two ( All hands) fatal accidents in the space shuttle program, involving the shuttles CHALLENGER and COLUMBIA. Mercury program was accident-free.

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The first seven astronauts who died in the space shuttle accident of Project Mercury were Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Edward H. White II, Roger B. Chaffee, Yuri Gagarin, Valentin Bondarenko, Clifton Williams, and Ed Givens. This tragic event occurred during a pre-launch test on January 27, 1967, inside the Apollo 1 spacecraft at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station in Florida.

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